Another page has turned as we enter into the month of June. Holy smokes we are nearly midway through another calendar year. Speaking of smoke, no doubt your grill has been fired up for the busy activities summer offers. The last blog reminded us of the proverbial "Lemonade stand," that offers thirsty seekers a way to quench their thirst after a busy, very warm day. As long as I can remember young children, with the help of an adult, construct these stands in the hopes of making a few coins. How many of you remember the sweet expression on the young one's faces as they offer a cup and gleefully hold out their hands to receive the coins? What a beautiful and sweet exchange!
From the perspective of the indigenous teachings, moving from Winter, to Spring is the grand awakening of Life that heralds in the beginning of a new cycle around the Medicine Wheel of Life. The celestial event of the summer solstice offers a natural flow on our earth walk that brings forth the next step on our Sacred Path, that of Summer. Thursday, June 20 at 4:50 p.m. nature's rhythm will move us into the playful, adventurous season of summer that offers our hearts the opportunity to grow as we gather with those dear and near to us. Many family reunions, community events, and vacations fill the summer season with opportunities to participate in something new and exciting. And, many times those activities and events are repeat ones that warms the heart. Whatever you choose for this summer, enjoy it with the enthusiasm of the young ones that tend the Lemonade stands . . . with excitement and wonder! Saturday, June 15, from 1-4 p.m. is the "Using the Mandala as a Compass to find your True North," retreat. If you are curious about "Walking a Sacred Path" around the Medicine Wheel of Life, we are confident you will enjoy learning about the seven sacred directions. Those that walked before us lived life simply and in cooperation with Earth Mother. Join us and learn ways to simplify your life, discover what your heart may wish to share and, most importantly, how to balance the new growth in front of you and allow it to guide you to the place of peace, prosperity, abundant love in all areas of your life: physical, emotional/social, intellectual. One step, one season at a time, the walk can be enriching and take you places you could only imagine. RSVP by Thursday, June 13 to: Vicky at: [email protected], or through our website. We are confident you will be uplifted and leave with a plan of action for living your life in balance! Here's to the perfectly fun-filled, heart-felt lazy days of Summer! "It's about letting the "voice" of your heart speak." from story: Turned the Page, Head to Heart Talks: Walking a Sacred Path
As we round the final lap of May, now might be a good time to notice the pace of life. It seems the days, weeks and months move at rapid speed. It is almost like we are attempting to qualify for a good position in the race we call “Life.” Finding affordable housing, purchasing a newer vehicle, getting that promotion at work, and by all means paying into our retirement all require our focused attention. Yep, that retirement looks mighty good when the pace of life is at warp speed. I used to think that “warp speed” naturally happened as one gets older; however, even young people are scratching their heads at how to meet all the demands of life; grading periods, exams, choosing a career, and, of course, the many decisions to be made about what to do after graduation. Whatever our age, it seems finding the time to simply sit still and breathe is a daunting task.
In today’s society the “next step” seems an endless reality. The pressure to get everything you want to do, accomplish, search for, and offer your family, seems an endless list. At this very moment, pause, take a few deep breaths and listen to your breath. Quiet your mind and see how long you can simply focus on your breathing. If you can do this without any thoughts for even five minutes you’re doing great. Silence is a very unappreciated gift. In the moments when you sit in perfect silence your head chatter begins. Just keep going back to your breath until the chatter slows down. It is amazing how the stress lessens when only silence can be “heard.” I recently watched an old movie, “The Last Samurai.” There was a powerful moment when an American soldier is attempting to learn a Samarian defense skill. After many attempts and getting struck by the large stick they were using, a Samarian warrior walks over to the American and simply states, “Too many minds.” How many of us have “Too many minds?” It is fair to say, most of us do. And when our head is full of what to do next; how to accomplish something, shuttling our kids somewhere, completing a task at work, and for heaven’s sake making certain we pick up a gallon of milk on our way home from work, it’s not surprising most of us are worn out by the time we walk through the front door. As we conclude May, consider the state of your mental health. Is there time to simply enjoy a conversation without a cellphone at your side, the sound of music or the TV blaring in the background and your head thinking about somebody or something? There are four major areas of life: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual, or as some people are more comfortably saying, Reaching your full potential. Keeping those four areas in balance takes a solid understanding of them and the ability to daily do a “check-in” of each. Many people have asked me what I actually do. On a recent walk the answer came to me. “I have a Lemonade Stand.” I used to think of myself as a mathematician since I always take situations and reduce them to the simplest form. That has helped me set up a Lemonade Stand. When the fires of life present a situation that seems confusing, daunting, unclear, or befuddled, reach out. As human’s we need each other. Together, we can squeeze the “lemons” you are confronting, and with the assistance of your brilliant Head and beautiful Heart, make a wonderfully cool and refreshing glass of lemonade. The Flower Moon, May 23, heralds in the Clan Mother for June, “Storyteller,” who offers to help you learn how to “Speak the Truth.” It is the stories we tell ourselves about life, global and political events, and past experiences that shapes who we are at this moment. Consider noticing that beautiful moon and ask for assistance with carefully and honestly looking at the stories you have told yourself. If you would like to learn more about the four core areas of being human and ways to bring them into balance each day, consider signing up for the “Using the Mandala as a Compass to Find your True North.” Read more about it in our Community Events link. While you’re at it check out the 13 Original Clan Mothers link and scroll down to Storyteller. Read the brief summary about her and answer the questions that follow. You just might find out something you “Didn’t know, you didn’t know!” Remember, life is not a Race, it's a steady, enjoyable, paced journey Enjoy the cool, refreshing Lemonade! “Seek first to understand, then to be understood,” was the fifth habit in Stephen Covey’s bestselling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The last blog pointed out the importance of good listening skills to really get to know the Speaker. That same skill is required to begin developing a balanced, cooperative, loving relationships with yourself. What does that really mean? Do we need to read more books on understanding ourselves and others, learn the current “buzz word” used to identify different behaviors, take a psychology class, or use the modern method to learn . . . Google it? In my many years on this planet, I have discovered, the best way to learn is to ask your inner guidance. Some call that guidance, God, Creator, Divine Mother, Inner Wisdom, Buddha. Whatever word feels comfortable for you, use it! The world seems to be searching for the “perfect” word. Here’s a hint; it is found in your Heart.
As a person who has always searched for answers, I have used many methods to gain knowledge, to the point the search became the main focus. That is to say, all the information became a toolbox full of ideas, techniques, practices, and information that after a while required a bigger toolbox to hold them all. What am I saying? I’m saying all the wisdom we need is within ourselves. The bits and pieces we gather as we search for answers eventually leads us back to Heart. Each of us must discern what is true and not true for us, personally. If we truly want to understand others, we must start first with knowing ourselves. Once we have examined the beliefs we were given throughout our lives, we can then step back and take an honest look at whether that belief is still true for us at this moment in our lives. Life is forever evolving, and things that were important ten years ago may not be as important to you today. It may be time to pull out your toolbox, take a look inside and see what tools would be of assistance with getting to know the wise self that resides in your heart. You may rediscover a very useful tool you had forgotten about. If so, pull it out of your toolbox, clean it up and put it to use. Of course you may also discover there are tools you no longer need. If that’s the case, consider gifting those to someone you know who is searching. The last thing you need when doing an inner exploration of yourselves is heavy, unnecessary weight. The whole purpose of the search is to lighten the load of your Head information, to hear what your Heart desires to enlighten you about. Everything begins within, or as the old phrase goes, “Know thyself!” As the relationship between your human self and your divine heart deepens, the toolbox will become much smaller. Can you imagine how the world would change if we used the Toolbox of experience to strengthen our actions as a means to support our thoughts and words? My hunch is, we would be less critical and judgmental of others, and replace it with compassion and understanding for the journey we are all on. “The West: A place to listen to the voice of our Hearts.” The old woman in the woods Head to Heart Talks: Walking a Sacred Path The single most important skill to effective communication is Listening, which is more than just hearing someone speak. Words are mere sounds if the only ears used are on either side of your Head. The problem with only using those ears is the large object to which they are attached. That’s correct, that beautiful Head has a human brain that is filled with lots of “should/shouldn’t’s, good or bad, this or that, right or wrong human guidelines. The thinking process involved with processing information is extremely important, it helps us learn the ways of the world, how to get where we wish to go, what we need to learn, and how to keep things in a sense of order so we can arrive at our destination; whatever and wherever that may be. However, when it is attached to judging, criticizing, disserting, and, overanalyzing everything and everyone, including ourselves, problems arise, which leads to even more duality thinking. It is quite an exhausting cycle which rarely leads to good communication. Did you know your Heart has ears? That’s correct, your Heart hears and processes life experiences and as a result the Heart responses with emotions which are felt. In essence, the Head responds with “thinking,” the Heart responds with “feelings.” The Head wants to solve the problem, the Heart wants to feel peaceful. The only way to find a balance is to use both your Head and your Heart to maneuver your way through life. This takes a concerted effort since in this world we live in, we are taught to think our way through things. For the most part, that’s a gift; however, when it comes to emotional feelings, the Heart is the expert. You know where I’m going with this, both sets of ears, the Head and the Heart need to work in a unified way to achieve happiness and contentment in every aspect of your life. Relationships are needed to accomplish anything and everything in life. Whether it’s your parent, boss, teacher, sibling and the list goes on, to be truly successful in life requires successful relationships. Relationships develop over time and require a sense of mutual trust. This happens when each person feels truly “seen.” That is to say, each person feels acknowledged, treated with respect, their dreams supported, and sometimes even challenged to be all we can be. When those aspects are present each person knows the other person truly “hears” what he/she is saying. In Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, the fifth habit states: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Once we have taken the time to develop a cooperative, respectful relationship with our Head and Heart, we are ready to use the ears of our Heart to really listen to what the person speaking is trying to tell us about the situation. In other words, what are they “feeling” behind the story they are telling? All too often when we are in a conversation with someone our Head is thinking about how to respond, what could have happened, who they may be talking about, and then begins to put on their “Judge’s robe.” Often times the Listener may recall a similar situation they personally confronted and their Head ears take over. From the Listener’s perspective they may feel they are being supportive by sharing their personal experience when in reality, that is the moment communications become broken. The Listener may remain silent until the Speaker takes a pause, however, they are not hearing anymore of the Speaker’s Heart. In some cases, they may even interrupt the Speaker and tell their own story. This is Listening to your Heart’s story, and not the Speakers Heart. It takes Heart to Heart listening to deepen a relationship. The next time someone is sharing a story with you, turn on your Heart ears and listen to what their Heart may be feeling. It’s tricky, since our Head wants to rescue, fix, solve the problem, whatever remedy is needed. Just remember, all anyone’s Heart needs is to be heard. In essence, put your finger to you lips and tell your beautiful Head, Shhh, while your Heart listens. “Listening is the foremost rule that determines a person’s integrity and substance.” Listening Woman, the Clan Mother for May’s moon. The Deepening into Wisdom Circle, will be held Thursday, May 16 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Join us for an evening of sharing stories. They may be personal stories, a story you recall, or one you made up. What is important is the gathering and sharing that offers us the opportunity to practice Storytelling, and using the ears of our Heart. For a listing of other events, go to the Community Events tab of our website and see if something stirs your heart. Sunday, May 12 is Mother’s Day. Don’t forget to recognize the woman who brought you into this world, or who chose you to be their daughter or son. Which ever side of the coin she taught you, what you have done with that is the person you are today. As we enter the richness of May, the growth of all things birthed with spring abound. Colorful flowers, the fresh scent of earth, the sounds of various types of bird fill the air with the fullness of Life! Nature certainly is our best teacher for ways to live and trust the natural order of life. With our world being in such a state of chaos, each of us need to consider setting aside some time each day to just pause and observe the beauty outside our home or place of business. Fifteen minutes each day simply sitting on a porch swing or favorite outdoor chair offers us a time to really look at the trees, flowers, and critters that share our space with us. Even more enriching, place a comfortable blanket on the earth and gaze at the splendid display of the heavens above us. Sure, there are documentaries and programs specifically focused on nature and all her beauty; however, that requires sitting inside and observing such beauty through an electronic device. How about really going outside and experiencing the sights, smells, and sounds of nature?
“Peacefulness: Nature shows us how it looks, feels and smell.” From: “The Boomerang” Head to Heart Talks: Walking a Sacred Path In 1949 May was established as National Mental Health Awareness month. There could be no better way to strengthen our mental health then to really absorb the peacefulness and serenity nature offers. Why even a good rain storm can be invigorating. Oh, sure hot tubs are wonderful, just as a warm good shower feels rejuvenating; however, nature can touch our very soul in profound ways that words cannot even describe. All of our senses are heightened when we spend some time in nature. No doubt those of you with a dog can attest to the effects a good walk has on your faithful friend; yet consider how much you benefit from such outings. If you want to support good mental health for yourselves, your friends and your families, how about creating a daily routine for yourself to spend at least ten minutes each day among the natural world? Then ask one of your friends and/or family members to join you at least once a week on an excursion somewhere in nature. Even if it’s only ten minutes in your neighborhood or local park, create a routine, make an agreement and follow through. An important key to this is to “stick with it,” even if the other person doesn’t show up, do the activity. Keep the agreement for yourself, you will get the benefit regardless who is with you, then watch your mental dialogue change. I promise you will find less ruminating of worries and concerns IF you choose to let nature show you a thing or two about simplicity and trust. As we enter this month of richness, now might be a grand opportunity to teach the young ones in your life and/or neighborhood about planting, tending, and observing something that grows. I can think of no better way to teach responsibility and an appreciation for caring for something or someone outside themselves. Gather a plant pot or dig up a small patch of earth in your yard and teach them how to become “gardeners in life.” Who knows, you may just remember something your grandparents or elders in your community taught you when you were young. It’s one way to “Strengthen our Future” for the next seven generations! Listening Woman is the Clan Mother for May. She teaches us how to refine our “listening” skills by hitting the pause button before speaking. To understand the true Language of Love she teaches us how to develop our inner knowing. Body cues, expressions, and the gift of discernment are developed by observing and listening to the actions, not words, of others as well as ourselves. Read a bit more about this Teacher of discernment by clicking on the 13 Original Clan mother link and considering the questions to ask yourself. Our next blog will share suggestions for developing one of the most important communication skills: Listening. "It's about letting the "voice" of your heart speak," From: "Turned the Page" Head to Heart Talks: Walking a Sacred Path Check out our Events page for information and updates on ways to grow and strengthen as Sacred human beings What abundance this spring is providing. The growth of nature, the events of the sky and the opportunities for personal, professional, and community gathering abounds. Last Saturday the Author Event at The Playful Soul was rich and full of a variety of folks seeking "something else," for a deeper understanding of life. Which is precisely what spring is all about . . . uncovering the new growth that colors the earth with richness and beauty. "Looks Far Woman" is the Clan Mother for April. She teaches us how to appreciate all the colors of life, in order to "See the Truth," all around us, especially within ourselves.
Dancing Flame Medicine Lodge invites you to check out our third Thursday of each month's Wisdom Circle. You just may find a new friend, or become a valuable friend to yourself! This gathering is open to all interested souls seeking "something else," for a deeper understanding of life. Bring an open heart, curious mind and a friend to travel with. It is a beautiful drive from the busy city to the freshly plowed fields in Morgan County. And the trees, oh my goodness, you can practically hear them unfold the sprouts of leaves! Thursday, April 18, from 6:30-8p.m we will gather to "Share a Story." It may be one you read, are writing, a poem, or experienced first-hand. What matters is taking the action to show up and find out if the Wisdom circle is the place your heart has been guiding you to. If only for one evening, give us a try. Read a bit more about the Wisdom circle on the Events page. Using the Mandala as a Compass retreat is being offered Saturday, April 20, and Saturday, June 15. This retreat is an updated one that was offered the spring of 2023, and March 16, 2024. The richness of this retreat offers attendees the opportunity to learn simple ways to find and keep balance in their lives. Of course, as with all retreats, it lasts as long as what you learned is practiced. You will leave the retreat with a personal Mandala created by and for you specifically as a useful tool. Read more about this retreat on the Community Events page. As always, contact Vicky with any questions. The deadline to sign up is April 16. If June fits better in your schedule, let us know and we'll put you down as interested. With the teachings of the seven sacred directions, we will help you find your "True North!" Here's to Feeding your Growth, and adding richness and beauty to Spring! April has been true to its reputation and provided the inhabitants of Earth a front row seat to witness the unfolding beauty of nature. All of our senses can be used to observe this natural phenomenon. Without any actions on our part, nature does what is in rhythm with the cycles of life and offers us the opportunity to simply sit back, observe, and enjoy. There is so very much we can learn from nature, if we only “pay attention.” Perhaps all the busyness, hurry, scurry, and self-inflicted pressures we put on ourselves and others would be lightened if we simply saw nature as a powerful Teacher. Whatever is brewing in our heads will come to fruition with ease and a bit of effort on our part if we simply notice the manner in which nature unfolds. In other words, lovingly quiet that chattering head mind and listen more to the rhythm of nature as it offers a simple, peaceful way to allow life to unfold. This is how the world changes and true Growth occurs; one peaceful warrior at a time!
Opportunities for Growth: Check out our Resource tab for an ample listing of very wise communities and Teachers that offer a plethora of ways to live a full and rich life.
This is a reminder the deadline to sign up for the Mandala retreat next Saturday, March 16 from 1-4 p.m. is Wednesday, March 13. If you have read Book Two, "Walking a Sacred Path," you are familiar with a few ways the Mandala may be used. This retreat will expand the teachings in the book and offer attendees the opportunity to make a personal Mandala to use on a regular basis. Last year at the beginning of each season; Summer, Fall and Winter, we reconnected via Zoom or email exchanges to share any insights from the prior season and speak of what their heart is calling forth for the upcoming season. It helped make Using the Mandala an even more personal tool; not to mention bond those that participated even more deeply. The creation of that seasonal "check-in" seemed to evolve from the retreat, it is not a requirement for the participating in the retreat next Saturday, March 16.
Go to our Community Events page, read a bit more about this offering and sign up by March 13 if you plan to attend. Please note: Reading Book Two is not a requirement for this retreat! Bring an open heart and a curious mind along with the items mentioned on the Community Events page and enjoy an afternoon with like-minded people. As always any questions may be directed to Vicky at [email protected]. Enjoy the breath-taking beauty bursting forth from Earth Mother and remember it is a reflection of what is being brought forth in your life! Please excuse a few errors on my last post, "Spring into March," and reread it with corrections. Color me human! Vicky
With February winding down, we surely feel abundant gratitude for the glorious face of Grandfather Sun! The weather has been tremendous as well; and yet, from my perspective, having the warmth of the sun makes whatever weather we receive more acceptable. That said, it does make me wonder what the March weather will bring. "In like a lion, out like a lamb", or vice versa? What we do know is Spring will herald in the warm months that offer a multitude of outdoor activities adorned with colorful flowers, greenery and the rich fullness of the Standing Ones (trees).
Those of us with Irish ancestry will lift a mug of brew on March 17 in celebration and respect for those who walked before us. It is their courage, strength, playfulness, simplicity and love of life that runs through our veins. Whether you are of Irish descent or not, find a local pub or gathering place celebrating this marvelous day and just feel the air. I dare you not to feel joy in your heart! If the brew is not for you, order some form of Irish food, it is certain to have potatoes incorporated in every the dish. The Spring Equinox on Tuesday, March 19 at 11:06 p.m. officially heralds in the season of spring. In many indigenous cultures, this is the beginning of a new year, a time to put into action the dreams you had during the quiet, contemplative time of the winter season. If your New Year's resolution has fallen away, or become a chore, March 19 provides another opportunity to choose a new course for 2024. If you would like to learn more about the indigenous teachings of the four seasons and the wisdom of the seven sacred directions, consider signing up for the Saturday, March 16, Mandala retreat. (Details are on our events page.) You will certainly gain a great deal of knowledge about the Four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter and the specific gifts each season offers us to live each day with purpose and intention. Another very valuable source of strength and clarity is offered through making your own personal drum. Sunday, March 3, a Drum making ceremony is being offered. There are currently only two available openings. Details are available on the Community Events page. Listen to your heart; you will know if this is for you. In conclusion, enjoy every single moment of this precious life. If you need some inspiration, check out our "Deepening into Wisdom" circle that meets the third Thursday of each month. The March Clan Mother, Weighs the Truth, will be heralded in at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, February 25. She offers us teachings on Accepting the Truth and is the Keeper of Equality and Guardian of Justice. Go to the Teachings tab and click on the 13 Original Clan Mother page to learn more about her, and to consider a few questions that may help you Accept the Truth in your life. Check the Events page regularly for more opportunities to meet others seeking a rich and full life and participate in some events that might stir your heart. Until then, enjoy the last sweet days of February and prepare to Spring into March with a curious, seeking heart. |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
December 2024