"What are we doing here? No doubt everyone at some point in their life ask themself those questions. Most generally that questions is asked when life seems confusing, perplexing, and down right puzzling. In my 74 years on this beautiful planet, never have I witnessed such drastic division and separation in our country. Of course, globally many countries are in major shift mode as well. And, we all share the effects of the environmental changes, the devasting, record-breaking events that are transforming the contours of the land, along with the loss of populations of various species of animals, plant life, and the human race are at epic proportions. What does all this mean? What sort of rationale, purpose, or underlying "message" are we to understand? How can we make sense out of the ever-widening division we are witnessing in the political, moral, and very fundamental truths of many countries? More specifically, our country's seeming disregard for the very principles on which our country was founded?
How's that for an opening? If each of us are to be completely honest, the basis of our foundation has been and continues to be crumbling beneath our feet. Personally, I believe most people are good, love their family and country and would and do show up to help their neighbor. That has been shown through all the major upheavals mentioned above. Regardless of our differences, most people want to live in peace, have the security of a place to call home, and know we are safe and secure. We need to be confident someone cares that we are citizens of this beautiful planet, and if we disappeared, someone would notice and miss us. As we observe the profound beauty unfolding before our eyes that spring brings, now would be a great time to touch the deepest part of your very soul and reassure your heart just how grateful you are to be alive. If nature can confront these drastic environmental events and continue to regenerate new growth, can't we do the same? On this Earth Day, 2023, how about we scan the magnificent world with which we live and notice the amazing gifts above our Heads? The stars continue to shine, Grandfather Sun shows up every morning, and Grandmother Moon reminds us that life is filled with phases that continue to unfold despite other events. On this Earth Day, 2023, I will continue to do what I do every day; Lift my eyes to the Sky Nation and recite, "As above, so below." It is a constant reminder that something greater is the divine God/Creator, and that love from which Earth was birthed will always have the final say. It gives me hope and a comforting peace. I am confident multitudes of other have some form of daily ritual that helps them know without question, "Love will always shed light on the darkness that appears." With that, I say, "Earth to Heaven," Thank you!
With the arrival of spring comes the reawakening of life; tiny green buds appear on the barren trees of winter, various species of birds fluff and rearrange nests from prior years to prepare for this year's new offspring. Humans emerge from their "winter caves" and busily begin to clear and clean their yards from winter's fury. It is a time of newness and growth as the earth awakens from the slumber of winter. Such a gloriously inspirational season that offers life the richness of new beginnings. What will you be inspired to bring forth? What hopes and dreams germinated for you during the cold months of winter?
The first significant sacred holiday of the founders of our country will be honored this weekend; the death and rebirth of Jesus, the son of God. It was the bedrock and foundation for which this country was founded. This sacred weekend offers a time to pause and acknowledge the spiritual richness of our forefathers and mothers. As with any and every form of connection to a Divine source of Creation, diverse views and interpretations abound. Whatever deeply personal values hold true in your heart, this weekend offers a time to reflect and show reverence to your core beliefs. It is a time to show respect to your ancestral family's deepest and most personal spiritual practices. Those deepest soul level beliefs provided our ancestors the courage to venture out into a new world, care and love their families, and to teach those deep truths to the generations that followed. Those embedded truths still linger in our inner being. While many today choose very different ways of expressing their heart and soul's connection to the Divine, this weekend would be a good time to show honor and respect to our family heritage. As we approach Easter Sunday, perhaps the baskets children carry with great glee to gather the colorful eggs and treats hidden in the new growth of earth will inspire you. If you will take the time to recapture those youthful memories of innocence and awe that you felt during your years of adventurous discovery, you will inspired, if only for a moment, to reclaim those magical years when everything was new, colorful and exciting. Let us "resurrect" those sweet, innocent times of carefully scanning the earth for colorful treats and allow our hearts to experience the excitement of a child. If we can tap those memories, this Easter may offer the gift of "rebirth," as we look through the eyes of our inner child and appreciate the wisdom of the white-haired, wrinkled faces of our elders that gather around our Easter feast. We might even ask one of those elders to share a story from their Easter experience as a child. Whatever your age, pause your "thinking mind," and allow your heart to recapture the "Easter Bunny" within to help "resurrect" the youthful excitement of possibilities. Then watch your blessings multiply with the warmth of love and excitement for life that will remind you of all the adventures still waiting to be explored and embraced! From my heart to yours, Vicky |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025