. . . what the world will be like when we can see our differences and appreciate everyone of them. When we can really listen to each person's perspective in silence. We may not speak; however, our head's are constantly making noise. Our heads are evaluating the speaker's words and making judgments about what they are saying. Even more obvious is we really only hear a few minutes of someone's words, as our heads make conclusions and turns inward to retrieve our perspective of the dialogue and why the speaker is incorrect. Now we have become "editors." We decide what the person really means without regards for the facial expressions, tone of voice, look in their eyes as they attempt to share something of importance to them. We reframe the whole conversation to fit our personal perspective of the topic. All of a sudden the energy has shifted and whatever "sharing" by the speaker is completely lost to our own agenda.
. . . what the world would be like if we silenced our head's chatter and held a neutral and open space. I wonder if the relationship with the other person would grow as we allowed the "ears" of our heart to listen. I wonder what would happen to our heart? . . . what the world would be like if people began to really look at the facial expressions, note the look in the speaker's eyes and felt the energy being sent from them to your heart from theirs? . . . what the heavens and earth would look like and how both would grow in harmony and balance if compassion, understanding, and the ability to "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" became the norm. Could it be a more loving, supportive, cooperative world? Would the environment become more gentle, calm and flourish in beauty? . . . what you would be like in such a world? It all begins Within you! Just something to, Consider
What a sweaty summer 2022 is offering us, and what an opportunity to release the toxins from our body and from our human mind! In much the same manner, the tradition of the "Sweat Lodge" offers those ready to shift whatever is in their heart and mind a place to do just that. This summer, Mother Nature is offering us many opportunities to utilize the gifts of "sweat" to clean up our body and our human mind!
Zig Zigler coined the phrase, "Stinkin' Thinkin!" that offered the masses an opportunity to pause and consider how they viewed literally every aspect of their lives. This phrase brought many people to a place of examining what and how they thought about things. Often we move through life sort of "mindlessly" as we tackle each day in a well-established routine manner. Take a moment and consider this; when you get up each morning, what actions do you take? Chances are you routinely do the same steps or procedures without thought. Your head considers the tasks that need attended to for the day, while you are brushing your teeth, preparing your morning beverage and standing in front of the closet picking out what to wear. The actions you are doing require little thought, they are something you do every single morning; however, the often excessive meandering of your thoughts continue throughout your morning routine and continue all day. A Challenge: Tomorrow when you get up, see if you can consciously stay present with precisely what you are doing. When thoughts of what's ahead for the day enter, bring your focus back to the task directly in front of you. My hunch is it will be a bit of a challenge. Then notice what thoughts seem to keep resurfacing and then take the next step to notice your emotions as you move through this exercise. If you feel frustrated and wonder why you decided to do this crazy challenge, take a deep breath and remember, you can quit such a silly experience at any time. These moments of frustration offer us the opportunity to notice our "Stinkin' Thinkin'!" Such awareness is the first step to noticing the often annoying voice in our head that wants to keep us focused on the human aspects of life. The good news is there's another voice that wants to remind us what a delightful, beautiful soul we are, what amazing gifts we have to offer and the abundant blessings that surround us each and every day. The key to this is to clear the clutter by noticing the two distinct aspects of ourselves and consciously choose which voice we want to be the key "guide" for our life. To clean the pathways and notice the richness of life we must symbolically take actions to remove the toxins in our human mind to allow our hearts to be felt and heard. This is how the Sweat Lodge was used; to balance our personal lives, clear disagreements, pray for harmony among all our relations and on behalf of those we know who are seeking assistance. We cannot do the work for others, we can, however, offer the purity of the ceremony to send the smoke that carries our prayers their way. On your next "sweaty" day mowing the grass, riding your bike, running, gardening, or working in the heat in any way, consider it an opportunity offered by Nature to burn away what no longer has a place in your life. Here's to the next purifying opportunity to, "Burn baby, Burn!" WISDOM CIRCLE: Speaking of an opportunity, the Wisdom Circle will be held Thursday, August 18 from 6:30-8 p.m. This month we will speak of our "Stinkin' Thinkin" and ways we manage that often annoying and obsessive dialogue. Any and everyone is welcome to attend. Simply bring a willingness to share what is in your heart so we might learn from each other ways to maneuver our way home . . . to our Hearts! Once we are there, our human mind will speak to us with respect and support for the sacred human beings we truly are! Bring a cover for your lap, a friend, and if you have a favorite cushion bring that! A gifting bowl is present for those choosing to return a bit of what they have gained from participating in this sweet Wisdom Circle! |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025