There is much to be said about Being Active. Most of the time we hear that phrase we conjure up activities that require physical activity; however, Being Active may be simply sitting still. Try sitting in silence for 5 minutes and see how active your mind becomes. The mental gyrations our mind goes through in an attempt to be still is, well, exhausting. Somehow when the body is not in motion the mind seems to take it as a cue to take over and help us "stay fit."
This fitness is one that offers us a plethora of ideas for what to do, how to improve, what to make of what someone said and why they said it. Our mind is in motion to seemingly help us understand life, our partner, children, parents, neighbors, government, boss, coworker and the list goes on and on. It wants to know how to get more of what we want, and why someone else seems to get everything they want so easily. Of course, one of the most exhausting and often self-defeating exercises is when our mind wants to let us know everything that we did "wrong," condemn us for setting goals and then giving up on them so quickly, and other pertinent information it wishes to bring to our attention that we could have done better. No doubt about it, Being Active can be a futile feat with regards to helping us gain confidence; whether it pertains to our physical, mental and/or emotional wellness. Try this the next time you sit for even 5 minutes, when you first sit down, ask your mind to use it's brilliance to remember what silence sounds like, and ask it to listen to your heart and remember what you heart has to say. That's it! Just have an intention, pay attention and no doubt you will discover that in addition to physical exercise, your heart can be greatly strengthened by the stillness and silence of Being Active.
If you are receiving this the Tech Magician (Victoria) has once again performed a feat for which I have little knowledge. I have become most grateful through this "stay at home" order for the gifts the tech world offers. I actually get to physically see my family; that's the best medicine yet.
This Zoom meeting offerings have opened the door to satisfying the basic need of love and belonging to the world. To put your eyes on those that touch your heart, beats any medication the medical field can prescribe for lonely and the lack of heart felt connection. Hopefully, the weather will warm and we can venture out of our homes for a walk in the woods. That, too, offers tremendous connection. To be among the steadfast security of the Standing Ones, and to witness the growth of the foliage guarantees our hearts will be warmed. It further can provide a sense of security that will offer our hearts the opportunity to feel loved and recognized for our presence among these sacred beings. Life offers a much richer connection when we have the opportunity to actually use our sense of smell, vision, and touch to "feel" that connection. The sound of the wind and touch of its breeze on our skin actually brings the cells on our skin alive! From my experience, our heart will open and offer us the ability to embrace the teachings of hope, resiliency and an unquestionable acknowledgement, that our presence also satisfies a need of the forest . . . to be respected and honored for their gifts. So, thank you, Victoria, for your innate ability to bring light and love to the world in so many ways, thank you for your willingness to participate in life. Your gifts are many! From my heart to yours, I say, "Thank you!" On this eve before Easter, now is a good time to consider what you would like to Rebirth in your life. Is there something that you always loved to do and were pretty good at doing, and for some reason that "something" got trumped by something new? Perhaps your commitments and schedule got filled with a new task or responsibility? Life has a way of getting in the way of what special interest or gifts that are put on the shelf for when you retire or have more time. In light of the current situation that has us homebound, perhaps that something could be brought off the shelf.
That something could be a talent, special skill, new book you bought and never opened up or simply a desire you secretly held in your heart. My hunch is you already know what that something is that waits. Perhaps now would be a good time to reach back in your memory bank and consider that something that used to bring joy to your heart. With all the time at home it can't be blamed on not enough time, too many errands or any other excuse. I'm talking about something really near and dear to your heart; perhaps it was a relationship that faded away for all the reasons relationships often do. Now is always a good time to revisit an old dream, a left behind relationship, or some sort of unfinished business. Maybe you've always dreamed of writing a book, picking up a paint brush, pulling out the old keyboard, or maybe you loved playing in the dirt when you were young; try planting a garden, that's sure to bring new life to your life! Maybe you miss that positive attitude you had many years ago, that some how got lost during a disappointment in life; try looking yourself in the mirror and having an honest talk about changing your perspective. After all, what do you have to lose but that "chip on the shoulder," "expect the worst" face in the mirror. Whatever you choose to re-connect with, or finally get around to, let this Easter Sunday help you rebirth something that enriches your body, mind and soul! And remember, even things that die can be resurrected back to life. Just ask Jesus! You got this! Click HERE to see the full NewsletterApril Showers bring May Flowers...Most of us learned that phrase when we were very young. For those of us that live in the North, the showers are a welcomed promise that warmer days are ahead. It is a Joy to witness the blades of green burst through the Earth as the bulbs planted last season begin their journey upward. The sounds of growth can almost be heard as nature offers us the opportunity to learn about the natural cycles of Spring. In light of the current spread of a new, unknown virus, now would be a good time to remember that nature has a way of recycling, regenerating and restoring the natural order of life despite all circumstances. It certainly offers us a reminder that everything in life does find a balance if we will stay calm, hold the light of faith and trust that a divine essence lives in all things. Our task is to remember that Truth and hold it in our hearts. When our minds get into panic, worry, concern, it adds a dark, untrusting energy that will only serve to slow the process, whether it is in our heart, our family situation, our country, or our world. The only remedy is to stand in Faith. As we witness the growth that is fed and nourished by April Showers, perhaps we can learn to Trust the natural order in our life to rebalance. Maybe we can make the connection with nature and know that given the nourishment of unconditional love and forgiveness every situation we confront will unfold into something beautiful. The Clan Mother, She Who Heals, is the teacher of how to “Serve the Truth.” She states, “Faith is the Robin who sings of spring when the Earth is blanketed in snow.” Let us join together to help this virus be weakened and dissolved by holding to the knowing that just as the beauty of flowers will appear in May, we will begin to witness the restoration of health to all on Earth Mother. Gifts of the Moon CyclesOne of the Gifts of this social distancing is the time to learn about topics and mysteries you may have wondered about and not had the time to explore. This is one of mine:
Teachings of the Moon Cycle: This is my abbreviated version of the Moon Cycles. Bear with me as I humbly present what I am just beginning to learn and understanding of their cycles and gifts. April 7 is our second Super Moon in 2020 and is being called the Super Pink Moon. She will not be pink in color, since her name actually comes from the phlox subulata, a pink flower that blooms in the east of North America. It is said to be the brightest, biggest and best Super Moon this year....imagine the energy she carries! The Full Moon offers us a high energy to consider what we are excited about, what we want to celebrate in our lives. It is a time to “Reflect and Release in order to Receive” what we put into motion with the New Moon, March 24. April 8, the Waning Moon immediately follows the Full Moon; which is the last phase of the lunar cycle. The Waning Moon asks us to slow down and acknowledge what was brought forward, what we let go of and what we want to make room for with the upcoming New Moon, April 22. It is a time of non-action in order for us to assess our emotional and physical space to perform quiet tasks. The Waning Moon follows asks us to “loosen our grip, accept what is, and Trust! Finally, the Waxing Moon follows the New Moon on April 23 and will carry us up to the next Full Moon. The Waxing Moon is a time that will assist seekers with growth and inspired action. Tune into your heart and ask: “What is the universe whispering in my ear?” Remember, actions must be inspired not hard or done rotely. |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025