Martin Luther King Jr's Day honors the human spirit that dreams of engaging the world with compassion and understanding in order to bring people of all cultures together in a peaceful way. The focus is on making a change in a peaceful way in order to support all human beings with accomplishing their dreams. As we all know, everyone has a dream within their Heart, and to achieve that goal requires strength and confidence. Those two qualities help us understand our own "story;" the values we hold dear and the Truths that support our actions. Just as important is the support of others. Living in a world without judgment or prejudice begins within each of us. Here is a clip of one of Dr. King's speeches:
"God give us leaders! A time like this demands strong minds, pure hearts and ready hands." The rest of his speech provides his personal beliefs of what qualities a leader much possess. His book, "I have a Dream" shares many of his teachings that are most important for today's world. Just as Martin Luther King Jr shared his story through words, his actions demonstrated those deep beliefs. This week is our first Deepening into Wisdom Circle, Thursday, January 18 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. we will begin a new focus for growing in wisdom. As referenced in the last blog the theme for this year is: "Sharing a Story." Each month a story will be told by a person ready to speak of an experience, a teaching, or a gift on their life that helped them strengthen their awareness in order to discover just how their life has unfolded. It may be in the form of a poem, a painting, a song, or another medium that their heart would like to express their story, so listen and following your Heart's direction. This circle is open to everyone that feels the call to attend. In light of the winter weather we are currently experiencing, Thursday looks like the best day of the week to venture out. A car pool would be lovely and supportive of an early sharing of what this first gathering might bring forth. If weather predictions change, which we know they do, this gathering may be scheduled as a Zoom meeting. Therefore, if you plan to attend, please let Vicky know by Wednesday afternoon, January 17. It is my experience, that an in person sharing offers a deeper energetic experience. Remember to bring a blanket for your lap, an open heart, a curious mind and a friend. There is no charge for this gathering, a gifting bowl is present for you to offer as a "thank you" for whatever gift you feel you received. The Clan Mother for January has been "Talks with Relations," who offers us ways to notice the gifts in many shapes and forms that are put in front of us to guide us on our path. January 25 at 12:54 p.m. the Wolf Full Moon heralds in the Clan Mother, Wisdom Keeper, for the month of February. She offers ways of honoring the Truth. Check out our 13 Clan Mother link to gain more teachings for both of these Clan Mothers. Until then, watch your dreams, you may be surprised what is brought forth. From my heart to yours, Vicky
In 2023 we carefully examined our truths, which assisted us with "Claiming our Gifts." As we venture into our caves this winter, let us deepen a bit more into how those gifts came into form. Consider ways you were first introduced and inspired to the gifts that lie within your Heart. Is there a dream you had, a movie, a special book, or a person who inspired that interest? This year we will focus on "Sharing a story" about how that gift came to fruition. Consider joining us on this most important "Deepening into Wisdom" that lies within. If you have never attended the Wisdom circle, follow the call in your heart and join us one month. It just may be that someone's story will awaken your gift and be the inspiration you need to listen more carefully to the wisdom within your own heart.
Now that the holidays are in the rearview mirror, settle into the cave of winter and begin to dream about what you wish to be or do when Spring ushers in the next round on your Sacred Path around the Medicine Wheel of Life. Whether in words, symbols, pictures, music, or a particular craft, listen to the voice of your Heart and trust. Look over your shoulder (no staring) sit in the cave and in quiet meditation ask your heart to share an experience or two that was pivotal to developing that gift. Make it simple, succinct and wrap it in love as it is brought forth. Along with the joyful, playful times, remember, pain brings forth our beloved, treasured warrior. Rather than get stuck in those unpleasant memories, use those experiences to identify what you learned from that situation and ways you can use them to become your true, authentic self. This is how you can, "Be the Change you wish to see in the world." (Gandhi) Our first Deepening into Wisdom circle in Thursday, January 18 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. If you are unable to attend the January date, check our Events tab for another month's gathering date. Of course, if you have questions, please contact Vicky. We look forward to welcoming all called to attend! Bring a cover for your lap, a friend, and most importantly, an open heart! This circle does not require a commitment. There is a gifting bowl to offer a return, "thank you," for what you have received. |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025