We have had several interested parties contact us about the Dreaming and Visioning Ceremony scheduled for June 20-21. We are certainly thrilled about the interest in this beautiful opportunity to deepen into a more intimate relationship with your heart and soul.
There are two aspects of this ceremony. One is for those who are interested in learning what we do in this community and the teachings offered by those that gather. Through story telling, teachings from and around the fire, drumming, dancing, and perhaps the Pipe, it will be a heart felt opportunity to share with other like minded people. The critters, winged ones and spirit of that land that hold this place with reverence, respect and honor, will also offer teachings to those willing to pay attention. Oh and yes, there will be ample food available that will be shared as we move through the night. Those who choose to stay up all night will witness the magic that will be present. The second piece is for those who have the desire to spend 24 hours alone, away from others, in order to really hear what nature has to offer their heart. For those interested in being off by themselves, they need to contact Vicky by March 15. This is in order to begin the process of truly turning on your "heart's" ears to listen. We hear a lot of chatter from our minds, and often from others, who are more than willing to give us guidance. And, while this is a lovely gift, until we really let to know the voice of our heart, the often good words from others only adds more clutter to our already chattering, busy mind! Therefore, this ceremony offers the stillness of being on the land with only your heart (Spirit) to begin or deepen our relationship to all that is divine. With that said, there is preparation work before stepping into the silence. If you have been doing some inner work, in particular with a teacher, this may be the next step for you. If your heart calls to set in the silence, please call and we will discuss some things that are important to "sit with" in order to clearly know if your heart is making this request. There are also traditions needed to honor this ceremony in the old ways and to make the journey truly a divinely inspired experience. Both aspects will offer participants an opportunity to deepen his/hers relationship with their sacred selves. One is not more "important" than the other! It is all a matter of listening to our hearts and honoring its request.
Good grief, have we had enough gray days or what? I've asked myself that a lot recently. Then, this morning I heard a voice within ask, "Can you complain anymore about gray days? Or, perhaps there is something else you could offer that might take the focus to something positive?" The Full Moon yesterday offered a perfect time to release any blocks of self-limiting beliefs that hold us back. I believe I have some last minute "stuff" to offer her to transform. I am grateful she's not on our calendar dates!
I then recalled the Teaching of Wisdom Keeper, the Clan Mother for this Moon cycle, that gray is "nonthreatening or neutral and represents friendship." This is probably why her medicine is with the stone beings; which are the keepers of the history of Earth and her wisdoms. She also teaches how to "honor the truth in all things." Now, that's something to consider, particularly in light of our current state of affairs in this country. And her teaching that "snowflakes hold the web of life's lessons as it is woven by one of the Children of Earth . . . and when they fall to Earth Mother she receives them as the dreams of her children." What an outstanding teaching. She continues, "Each life form in Creation is a part of the Whole, but individually, each one sees life from her or his Sacred Point of View." Now that offers pause for each of us to consider. There is no "this or that," there is simply each being's way of maneauvering through this life experience. Imagine if you will, on this very beautiful gray day, what dreams fell to earth yesterday that Mother received within her, to birth forth in the Spring. With that new perspective, perhaps we can use these nonthreatening, neutral days as an opportunity to examine that for which we have to be grateful. And, to help us pause and reflect with a friend about what sweet memories we have created and wish to experience more of in the future so they may be called up on the next gray day. That will no doubt bring some belly laughs and tears of joy that will fill the air with love and gratitude. Hope fuels our dreams and warm our hearts, if, we'll appreciate the gray days that keep us growing inward in order for spring to bring our dreams outward! It's all in our perspective. Seems the Sun finally gifted us with his face the past couple of days. Interesting how we take such things for granted when we have that presence on a regular basis. For those of us that live "up North," Grandfather Sun is greatly appreciated, especially during the winter months! Even if the temperatures are cold, the presence of Grandfather Sun's face warms our being and lifts our spirits.
The same can be said about many things in our lives. All too often we may complain we need this and need that, wonder why so and so has so much and we barely get by. The truth be told all we need to do is go to our closets, look in our cabinets, check out our garages and we'll find we have an abundance of many things. Now, whether we use all the "things" we collect or not is irrelevant; the point is, we all have abundance. While winter is still here, now is a good time to check out what is in your closets, cabinets, drawers and garage and begin a "giveaway" box. As you go through each item, it would be helpful to ask yourself, "when was the last time I used or wore this?" If it's been many moons, toss it in the "giveaway" box. If you find yourself thinking, "But I might need it?" then take a few moments to consider whether you truly believe you might need it. That is to say, is it based on a practical, reasonable consideration or are you "afraid" you might need it and be sorry to gave it away? Is your consideration one that comes from a source of being a good steward of what you have or of fear you'll regret giving it away? Which further expands the question, "Is what's holding you back one that comes from limitations?" Your "Monkey mind" so influences your thinking it's silly. And yet, you have to respect what you hear in order to respect what's happening in that beautiful mind. If you want to be more abundance in your life, begin by looking at what you have and being grateful, rather then choosing to live in the notion of limitations, fear or regret. Pausing for just a for moments to notice your thoughts will help you find your way to the abundance that already surrounds you. If "thoughts create your reality" get some boxes out and begin to declutter your home to better understand what your thoughts are based on; lack/fear or abundance and gratitude. Doing this simple "decluttering" exercise will make room for the abundance waiting to enrich and simply your life, along with helping you know what's going on in that ever chattering head! When you have completed one of the closets or drawers, take your boxes to a charity place of your choice and add to the abundance of some other person who's in need, or simply looking for the very item you are giving away. THAT sort of abundance will enlarge your joy and happiness far beyond another item to stuff in a drawer, hang in a closet, or trip over in your garage. That abundance will enrich your heart in ways far beyond a "what if I need it" limitation question! Maybe, just maybe, you will feel the warmth inside your chest that is brought by Grandfather Sun to those that live "up North" during the winter. |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025