Our Deepening into Wisdom circle is cancelled for Thursday, February 18 due to the weather. We will resume next month, Thursday, March 18.
If you are interested in learning more about the story of your ancestors, a different culture, or the origin of a topic you may have always been curious about join us next month. As was mentioned in our blog, "The Light," if we are to understand some of the perplexities our country currently faces we must understand the underlying theme or history of the topic or situation. That is, what happened that created the attitude, judgment or belief that has brought us to our current situation? Participants are the key to this circle. The topics or points of interest to explore will be chosen by those in attendance. We hope you will join us and grow in wisdom along with other like minded people, Thursday, March 18, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Until then, stay warm, stay safe and enjoy the last month of winter!
As the snow continues to fall and white blankets the land around my home, my heart rejoices! Yep, my prayers have been answered! It has been many years since we have had a really good snow fall in central Indiana and this Hoosier welcomes the sight. Gratefully, the Indiana Department of Public Transportation is top notch and well managed so that roads will be passable and safe for those that have to travel.
From the massive amount of closings, it is apparent the welfare of our residents is paramount over profits and productions. I mention this because it feels important to shed light on the goodness of people . . . and there are so many good ones! With so much focus on the darkness this past year, how about we consider this snow as a white blanket of purity here to replenish the Earth with abundant hope, kindness, and truthfulness. They say whatever you are looking for, you will find. I’m looking for decency, integrity and honesty to be the focus of our world. How about you? Where’s your focus? What are you looking for? The Clan Mother for this month, Wisdom Keeper, offers this description, “Snowflakes are the messengers that carry each person’s dreams and feelings back to Earth.” Just as there are no two snowflakes alike, so each of us carry our own unique dreams and feelings. Those qualities we wish to see more of in the world. How about we hold onto those words and consider what 2021 will offer once warmth thaws the Earth and allows those dreams to burst forth with spring. What dreams and feelings of yours are carried within the snowflakes that blanket your yard? What do you hope to see spring forth when warmth returns to Earth? In the meantime, really look at the beauty and sparkle of the snow that blankets the Earth and remember the infamous words of Jimmy Hendrix, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace! The statement above is the fifth habit in Stephen Covey’s book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” I read this book back in the 80’s and the wisdom of those words became forever embedded into my heart. These powerful seven words, if implemented into your life can change the course of events in the lives around you as well as yours.
I am convinced if we listen more and talk less we will become more effective in every area of our life. Today everyone has an opinion and few actually listen. They may be silent while you speak, however, chances are what they are doing is creating their response to what you are saying. Actually listening indicates you are truly “seeking to understand.” I heard a young man speak yesterday about how the widening gap between cultures could be greatly narrowed if we simply took the time to “know the history of a different culture than our own.” What a profound idea! Consider both of these statements. Whether the differences pertain to gender, ethnicity, socio-economic levels, age, education, spiritual beliefs, or a host of other differences, these two simple yet powerful statements could open the door to understanding and healing. It all begins within! How much do you know about your family history? And, how far back can you trace your lineage? When was the last time you spoke to your parents or grandparents about what life was like for them when they grew up? There are tons of wonderfully powerful and informative books on every topic imaginable, perhaps a book has been “calling to you” that could shed light on your family lineage, another culture’s history, or some topics you would like to know more about. Maybe there’s a novel you picked up because you liked the title and it’s still sitting on your shelf, patiently waiting. My shelf currently has several such books! With that in mind, the idea was birthed to create a book discussion group to satisfy two needs: First, have a reason to pull one of the books off my shelf, and secondly, to connect with other people with similar passions for learning, understanding and/or simply being entertained. We are offering a monthly Book Review via Zoom the second Tuesday of each month. Our first session is Tuesday, February 9 from 6:30-7:30p.m. If you would like to participate, email me: [email protected] by Monday, February 8. A zoom meeting will be scheduled and the link will be sent to whoever shows an interest. Since this is short notice, if you are unable to attend this month, be assured you are welcome to other monthly Book Reviews. Those dates are listed on the Events link on our website: www.headtothearttalks.com Let’s get reading! |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025