Warmth, opportunities, greening of the landscape and the emergence of rich colors are but a few of the gifts of spring. Astrologically, the New Year begins with the Spring Equinox on March 20, thusly we have yet another opportunity to set intentions for 2021. This is a time the sun moves North across the celestial equator, and night and day are of equal length. After the darkness of winter diminishes and light increases we may feel a building of imaginative and creative energy. We live in a dense, physical world where shadows exist, while carrying the radiant light of the sun in our souls. It is that balance point that helps us walk the path we chose with clear intention and purpose. Spring is a time to celebrate the freshness of life and allow the energy of birth and newness to assist us with bringing forth the dreams our heart birthed during the stillness of winter. What awareness did you heart bring to your attention? Call to nature to help you know how to bring those dreams forth. Step outside and observe how the plants emerge from Earth Mother and consider designating a specific day each week to check its growth. Now might be a time to set a regular walking routine to help broaden your scope of observation. Consider it a walking meditation in order to make this a time of noticing, not thinking! Connecting with our senses and consciously choosing to notice our surroundings helps shift our focus to one of curiosity and wonder. It offers us a distraction that is actually healthy and helps us grow in all areas of our life. Keep in mind, those little sprouts that emerge from the Earth also benefit from our attention. Who does not grow stronger when they are given attention and feel seen? The natural world is an extension of us as we are an extension of it. We’re all interconnected . . . humans and nonhumans. This is where the Lakota phrase, “Aho, Mitayuke Oyasin “fits”, it means, “I acknowledge, All My Relations! “When you see a new trail, or a footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing, - Uncheehah, The Grandmother of Ohiyea The 13 Clan Mothers: The Full Moon on March 28 brings in the energy of, Looks Far Woman. She heralds in a time to “See the Truth” in all colors. How timely is that? Bear with me as I recall the first song I learned as a child, Feel free to let your heart sing-a-long: “Jesus Loves the Little Children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the Little children of the world!” This Clan Mother offers us a time to travel beyond this physical dimension and take a look at the “Crack between the universe,” We can only do that when our heart is open and willing to see things beyond our limited physical existence. She teaches us how pain is a teacher that offers many blessings and gifts. Click on the tab, 13 Original Clan Mothers on our webpage and read about this beautiful teacher. Rather than rely on what others say is Truth, buy the book and each Full Moon read the corresponding Clan Mother. I promise you will glean an understanding of your personal Truth. Your heart and everything around you will change! ***Check out the other offerings and information on our website while you are there. We would love to hear any stories or words you would like to share. And, remember to sign up for the newsletter and blog in order to receive them directly in your email! “The natural order of life springs forth before the divine whispers of love are even heard.” The old woman, Head to Heart Talks: Rediscovering Your Authentic Self. “When the power of Love overcomes the Love of power, the world will know peace,” Jimmy Hendrix
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
August 2024