Recently someone described one of their partner's strong qualities as Determination. They said their partner is clear about what they want and have the ability to stay focused on that goal. What a beautiful quality to have. Imagine if you will the strength it takes to have the for with all to not lose sight of what you truly desire and aspire to achieve. As I thought about those words, the word Dedication popped into my head. So, as I often do, I looked up the meaning of each one.
It seems Determination is defined as a: firm or fixed intention. an act of making sure of the position, size, or nature of something. An example: She set out with determination to complete the journey. Dedication is defined as: the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. An example: "He has a strong dedication to his duties." I pondered the difference and surmised that Determination is first required to become Dedicated to whatever you Determine is to be important. Once that is clear, then one can become Dedicated to seeing it through. Both are equally important; however, until someone is clear with what and where they want their focus to be, Dedication cannot occur. Which means if you truly want to have something to hold as your purpose, you must first be clear of your intention. Semantics is an important key to communications. And that is defined as: the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text. An example: "such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuff." However, how "petty" are words when they have the ability to either heal or harm every form of relationships. To truly have a happy, healthy life, each of us must take a bit of time each day to reflect on our intention for that day, then become Dedicated to have it shows-up in our lives. Do our words match our actions? Are they smooth and round, or sharp and pointy? One of the most important qualities each of us can have is the ability to trust ourselves to "treat people the way we want to be treated." To do this, we need to look in the mirror and, honestly, ask ourselves, "Am I practicing what I preach?" "Am I living by what I espouse to be of importance?" With so much focus on "personal freedom," these two words are very necessary. If we are going to reunite as a family, community and country, we must Determine our personal intention, then become Dedicated to living it. Just a bit of "Food for thought!" Your comments are also welcomed!
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream, just as you and I do. We all have a dream of what we hope to see in our world, our communities and our families. In his speech he speaks of what his dream for the world would look like for everyone . . . his dream was inclusive. In reading through his speech, I was impressed by his words that his dream was his Hope, and, that to realize those dreams required Faith. His dream was a world where everyone was truly Free!
Faith and Hope seem to be words synonymous with religion; however, they are so much "bigger" than a religious affiliation, they are basic Truths. Which lends one to sit in the quiet spaces of his or her's heart and ask oneself, "What Truths do I believe? How do I view Faith and Hope? What does 'Freedom for All' mean to me?" Another profound writing of Dr. King's is worth sharing at this moment in our country: God give us leaders! A time like this demands strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands; Leaders whom the lust of office does not kill Leaders whom the spoils of life cannot buy; Leaders who possess opinions and a will; Leaders who have honor; leaders who will not lie; Leaders who can stand before a demagogue and damn his treacherous flatteries without winking! Tall leaders, sun crowned, who live above the fog in public duty and private thinking. Consider what all of his words mean to you, and what your thoughts, words and actions show. Dr. King "walked his talk" and what he asked of others was what he did himself. We often forget these amazing teachers that helped our country become Free. If we pay attention, we'll see there are many such amazing people who demonstrate what Faith and Hope look like, and, what and Freedom really means. Dr King was correct, true Freedom can only happen when everyone is considered and included, no one is above or below another. Here's another one of his statements that might touch a Truth within you: I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but he eluded me. I sought my brother, and I found all three. Who is your brother/sister? Who's brother/sister are you? What's your dream? I conclude with his words: "Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that! **Please note** a change to the Wisdom Circle this week. Due to the forecast for frigid temperature Thursday, the Wisdom Circle will be held via Zoom. We certainly want everyone to be safe; therefore, if you would like to check out this circle, send an email to Vicky by noon on Thursday, Jan 20. A link will be sent to all interested parties by 3:00 p.m. We will meet from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Until then, stay warm and stay safe! That's: [email protected]. Monday, January 17 at 6:48 p.m. ET, the first Full Moon of 2022 heralds in a time of change. The indigenous teaching of the Wolf is that when you see one, you have a teacher in front of you! Consider asking the sacred Wolf for any assistance you may need.
This Wolf Full Moon asks us to face our deepest feelings and fears. The power of the Wolf Moon is capable of helping us release what no longer serves us. In addition, the Wolf Moon offers us the opportunity to harness the positive lunar energy that is available. Since the Wolf is known to be a fierce protector and nurturer, it's presence will assist you as you step-up to the task in front of you. This energy is available through the end of January . . . access it as you dream your visions for 2022. The Clan Mother that heralds in with the Wolf Full moon is, "Talks with Relations." She is the "Keeper of Learning the Truth" and her color is orange, which represents the enteral Flame of Love from which all human and nonhumans are created. With both of these beautiful, powerful energies present, imagine what can be created and brought to fruition with the warmth of spring! The Wisdom Circle is this Thursday, January 20 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.. What a timely opportunity to begin a journey with other life-minded individuals who are consciously seeking new visions! This is a circle for anyone wanting to learn, share, and enrich their lives. There was a saying many years ago, "If not me, then who? If not now, then when?" Whether you are just yawning, or deeply dreaming, we welcome all to attend. The cost is your time and energy. A gifting bowl is present for those wanting to return an energy for what they have received. What is most important is listen to your heart and become familiar with its "voice!" Then "Howl"at Grandmother Moon and watch the magic unfold! The definition for Vision is: the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. As we sit in the cave of winter, let's consciously allow ourselves to imagine all the possibilities. It would be good to not censor any ideas or thoughts that pop in and simply write all them down as they come through. Your head will want to interject possible consequences, or logical reasons the idea is not possible, simply let it know, it needs to be silent and wait; you'll need it later. The activity in front of you is to keep writing down every idea that presents itself until there are no other ideas that come to you.
This can be a very freeing experience since our ever chattering, advising head wants to control our lives. Be kind and understand these actions are our head's way of helping us manage life. It is; however, our balanced self that needs to remind our practical mind that our creative heart has dreams as well. Our intellectual head needs to respect our emotional heart and listen with an open mind. If our dreams are to become reality, it requires a respectful, loving relationship between our head and heart. The brain in our head helps our heart beat, and the beat of our heart is required for our brain to function to its full capacity. Therefore, while in the darkness of winter's cave let's use the warmth within our heart to show appreciation for our practical mind by offering some dreams and possibilities for our head to figure out how to bring to fruition, and then, watch the Visions take shape! With the turn of the page to another year, now is a grand time to set clear intentions for what we choose to create this year. And, it is a choice! All too often we sleep walk our way through life. Perhaps the expression, "Live in the Moment," is interpreted as literally taking each breath as it comes, without thought or intention. There is much wisdom in the phrase, "Live in the moment;" however, it certainly does not mean to "fly by the seat of your pants," or whimsically accept life as it presents itself. As in all things in life, we must take responsibility for what we create, and that begins with having an intention for what you want life to "look like." What goals do you have? What are your dreams? What do you wan to see more of in your life, and in the world? If we fail to ask ourselves these questions and seriously ponder them, than what you get in life is precisely what you asked for . . . whatever it brings you. That means that if life seems tough, a disappointment, unfair and the describers go on; then that is because you lacked the courage to ask for what you want.
Ouch, that seems a bit harsh, Vicky! Well, sometimes the truth is harsh. If you haphazardly allow life to unfold, then accept that is what you called into your life . . . a haphazard series of events. To be a contributing member of society is to consider what you want from life and what you are willing to do to "get there," or see more of all around you. It means taking responsibility for what you have and what you see in the world. If there are no goals, no dreams, no effort made to contribute to a better place in life, a strong society, more fair world, then accept your inaction created your life and the world around you. Let 2022 be a year of "Goodness." Let it be a year we see things move in a direction that feeds our life with adventure, fun, and joyful experiences. While you are creating, envision the entire world being a place where all things are possible! Where all inhabitants are respected, including Earth Mother! Consider seeing your actions as contributing to your current circumstances and the state of our world. While you are, indeed, a spec on this planet, it is the culmination of those specs that make this world what it is! If you want peace, YOU have to be peaceful! Let 2022 be the year we see more victors in life, rather than victims. Let each of us take an honest look at our lives and take ownership of what we have created! No one owes us anything, We have the power to achieve whatever we can dream! Let's wake up to the Truth! We dream, We take action and We create our lives, and the world around us! Yes, We do have that much power . . . it begins Within; how are YOU using yours? The definition of Goodness is: the quality of being morally good or virtuous; a belief in the basic goodness of humankind! "I see you!" I know what you can do, we've done this before; let's do it again! Thank our ancestors for showing us what is possible! We live in the lap of luxury because of their ability to dream and achieve; because of their commitment to Goodness! Here's to an amazing 2022! |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025