Tonight my heart is asking some more about "wicked;" it is wondering how a person can feel so very unloved they become the opposite of their true nature. Of course, I believe every person is good; I mean they have to be, they are the creations of Creator.
It seems to me it takes a great deal of disappointment, rejection, sorrow, grief, and whatever descriptor word you can use for sadness to make someone harden their heart to life. There is not a person on this planet that has not had sad events, some form of heartbreak or overall disappointment in life that makes them withdraw from life ... if only for a brief period of time. So, perhaps the person who is willing to harm another, be destructive, disrespect living forms of any kind has given away any hope for finding goodness in their life. Instead, perhaps they have agreed to be an "ambassador" for the opposite side. That is to say, they have chosen to be the problem and not the problem solver. A principal friend of mine used to ask students that were sent to his office, "Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?" What a powerful question. Rather then place blame or falsely accuse someone, it puts the question directly into the lap of the one being questioned. So, tonight I wonder if a person who takes an action that is disrespectful were asked that question the first few times they were "caught" in a "precarious situation," if it would make a difference in their future actions. It is just something I am thinking about while weaving through this maze of what it means to be "Wicked."
Ah ha! I knew love would be found if I looked for it. The truth is it is the search for love that seemingly eludes us that leads to “wicked” behaviors. And, by the way, the dictionary indicates wicked can mean “evil or morally wrong, disagreeable, extremely unpleasant” just as it can also mean, “very good, excellent, cool, awesome, wickedly smart!” In essence, it means whatever you choose for it to mean. Sort of like the old saying, “in the eyes of the beholder.”
All of this essentially lets us know that the meaning to anything depends on the energy in which we interpret or intend it to be. Darn if the responsibility isn’t smack dab back in our laps. Just when it seemed comfortable to have someone else to assign the label … or to blame! There are many emotions stirred within when an injustice happens. Our minds run the gamut of them all when something stirs our heart. The bottom line however, is that when Love in the form of compassion, understanding, detachment is administered, it tends to calm the “wicked” thoughts within. The judgments, finger pointing and overall blame game only fuels the negativity that leads to “wicked” thoughts and often actions. It is a personal choice we make when our hearts are stirred from mean-spirited actions. And yet, it is in the moving through such actions that we learn the value of unconditional love. We learn with whom to spend time with that feeds our heart with goodness, warmth, hope, and inspiration. Perhaps the next time we see “wicked” actions that hurt another we will counterbalance those behaviors with unconditional love. If each of us can actually take that action, we will make a difference. Even if we are simply a pin light in a large dark room we can and will be seen by someone who just may find the courage to turn on their light as well. What a “wickedly” lovely idea! I have decided that in 2015 I am going to find love in absolutely everything ... including things that seem "wicked." This is the year I will more clearly and sincerely understand not knowing. That is big for me since I have spent most of my life trying to understand the "whys" of life. Just ask my children about that, they will quickly respond, "Oh yes, that is my mother! Always trying to figure things out; find a way to make things better." No doubt it was a broken record they were glad to get rid of once CD's were invented.
I am most grateful for my curious mind, for it has assisted me with learning, how to learn. That is to say, regardless the situation, my mind has an endless supply of possibilities from which to figure the "whys" of whatever was the flavor of the day. Indeed, life has given me ample opportunity to uncover the "good" in all things. This year, it is time I step into the place where "wicked" resides and see what beauty lies beneath the surface. For I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that when I am willing to sit with "wicked," I will more deeply understand and love myself. |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025