"Hey Diddle Diddle the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon, the little dog laughed to see such a sight and the dish ran away with the spoon!" Nursery rhymes, how fun are they? In the early 1800's this riddle was created; my hunch is some loving parent wanted to express their deep affection for their child or, maybe they were attempting to help them quit being 'grumpy!' Whatever the reason, nursery rhymes seem to soothe children. Just as we speak to an infant in 'baby talk' the words seems to make the young one smile. Of course they do not understand what we are saying; however from their expressions we can tell they understand the energy with which we are delivering the 'message.' It certainly is a perfect example that the way in which we deliver a message trumps the words we actually say. A little silliness and sing song words can work wonders; perhaps we 'adults' need children to remind us of this.
Speaking of the Moon. This Wednesday, July 13, will be the biggest 'Supermoon' for 2022. The intense energy offers those wanting or needing to shift things in their life a grand opportunity to choose something new. Of course, to bring the new in, we must release something that no longer works for us. Sort of like giving up tennis and replacing it with pickle ball because it's easier on our 'maturing' bodies. What served us when we were young may need replaced with something that fits where we are in our lives today. Whatever old habit, outdated belief, or relationship that no longer adds harmony to either person's life, choose carefully what it is time to change or release, and, always remember to be grateful for how it helped you get where you are today. The Clan Mother for July is "Loves All Things." She provides assistance with learning to 'Love the Truth.' Of course, like freedom, Truth is a personal interpretation, and it can and does change as we grow and mature through our life experiences. Loves All Things is the Teacher of Forgiveness and Compassion which are vital for living a life in right relationship with all the inhabitants of Earth. With that focus, The Wisdom Circle is Thursday, July 17, from 6:30-8 p.m. This month we will share our insights on "What it takes to have a Loving Relationship." And, as mentioned above, everyone has their own perspective on this topic. We welcome yours! If you are interested or need directions, contact Vicky: [email protected]. Bring an open heart, a cover for your lap and a willingness to share. There is a gifting bowl for those wishing to balance the giving and receiving. Now, what about that 'dish that ran away with the spoon?' I wonder if Loves All Things and the intensity of a full moon had anything to do with that?
Let's consider for a few moments what Personal Freedom means, who defines it, and how we know it when we see it.
Obviously Personal Freedom is just that . . . personal. The answer is in the word Personal; only you can define what it means. It is based on your personal beliefs of freedom. Your experiences from childhood to your current age created your concept of Freedom. It is from that vantage point you determined what Freedom looked and felt like. It is your perception and yours alone. If you had siblings who lived in the same home, they may have an understanding of Freedom from an entirely different perspective. Just as no two snowflakes look the same, so no two people have the same perspective or understanding of nearly every human experience. Every human being views life through their own unique "lens." It is through that lens we create the ideas of "right" and "wrong," "good" and "bad." Armed with those basic beliefs we assign a value to nearly every thought, idea and action of ourselves and others. That is when we become the Judge and Jury of ourselves and others, and from that vantage point we create the "Grand Separator" within ourselves and with others. We have now set the stage to view life as a court room. There's a victim and a victor, winner and loser, and we must go through life always defending ourselves or feeling hopelessly abused. How about this 4th of July, 2022, we view the fireworks as a new beginning. A time to pay attention to our thoughts, words and actions and with gentle eyes notice ways we are both Judge and Jury of ourselves and others. Is there Personal Freedom living under the scrutiny of the Judge and Jury within ourselves and from the Judge and Jury within those with whom we encounter? Consider how much energy is spent watching, and judging every thought we have and every word spoken from others. We continually in the court room putting ourselves and others on trial. I have an idea! How about using the beauty displayed in the fireworks and the strength of energy released with the powerful explosion of colors to help us change what needs changed in order to live each day fully Free? How will we know everyone has Personal Freedom? We'll know it by observing how each person respects his-herself and each other; when we view each person we encounter as worthy of the same God given gift to be Free as we wish to have. When we are more kind and gentle with ourselves, and with those around us, including the animals and all of nature that live on this magnificent Earth. This is when we will know what Personal Freedom looks and feels like. Consider: Would such a change bring about a more peaceful, harmonious world? Here's a participation activity for you, the reader: Raise your hand if you want more Personal Freedom. OK, Now raise our hand if you want things to stay as they are. From the show of hands, Personal Freedom has taken center stage. And that stage is the boundless love and beauty of all the inhabitants on sweet Earth Mother living in right relationship with each other! As we gather with our friends and family this July 4th, consider each person as a separate and unique human being. All too often we mingle with our circle of loved ones, enjoy the usual summer favorite foods and chat about what's happening in the world. Oh, we may ask how Uncle Fred is doing after his accident, and how Aunt Myrtle is attempting to keep up with everything he needs. Of course, we'll comment about how the young ones have grown, ask how the teens are doing in school, and whether the newlyweds are planning a family in the foreseeable future. These days politics take center stage, everything from gas prices, inflation, whose fault it is we're in such a mess and the list goes on. The truth of the matter is we're all tied to the state of affairs in our country and in the world. The "old folks" continue to comment about how today's world doesn't look like the one they grew up in; that's to say, it was much simpler and less confusing, while the middle-aged folks talk about how they're ever going to be able to retire with all the financial chaos. Meanwhile, the younger ones stay plugged into their headset while their heads bob back and forth to whatever music their listening to, while the other young one's stare at their phones as they move their fingers at warp speed texting or playing games. Indeed, the holidays are interesting times.
The Fourth of July offers us the opportunity to have our gatherings conclude with fireworks. With only the ooh's and ah's, everyone is quiet and wide-eyed watching the beautiful display of colors, shapes and various sizes of the fireworks. Rarely do you hear someone talking during these amazing displays of wonder and beauty. Truly, there is nothing more lovely than witnessing how such marvelous displays could burst from the fireworks being shot from a simple container. If for only a few moments a group of people are focused with amazement at something that stirs their emotions from deep within. What a wonderful reminder that despite what is going on in our communities, our country and in the world, a simple display of fireworks can move us to a common place shared by those around us at that moment and time. Perhaps this year when you gather with your family, you might really look into the eyes of those sitting around the table with you. How are they feeling behind the words they say? Do they seem happy or does something seem "out of sorts?" It's not our job to analyze anyone, and certainly not to judge how they feel. It's simply an opportunity to sharpen our observation skills. Truth be told, after two years of social distancing, a hug might be the best medicine everyone needs. Of course, smile first, then offer them a hug, they may not be comfortable with that yet; but you can bet that smile offered them something! While you are at the fireworks display, consider turning your eyes away for a few moments to observe those around you. Really look at the expressions on their faces. My hunch is most people's faces will show a childlike wonder of how something so magnificent is possible. It really is a wonderful world, and perhaps if we can witness that for even a moment, the state of the world will change before our eyes. Rather than noticing the surface stuff, perhaps taking a deeper look would help us notice the uniqueness of each person, while offering us the opportunity to notice the common thread that ties us together. Now, wouldn't that be True Freedom? |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
December 2024