As we approach Memorial Day weekend, and the infamous "Greatest Spectacle in Racing," the energy is almost magical. The hummingbirds have arrived, flowers abound in every size, shape and color, and gardens begin to emerge from the earth. It is a time of birthing newness, traveling and mingling with others in our families and communities. Soon the children will be out of school and bicycles, ice cream truck, pools and many more fun activities will be in full swing.
This morning the thought entered my mind, "Where is 'Victory Lane?'" It seemed an appropriate time to ask that question to those reading our blogs. Where is YOUR Victory Lane? Everyone is striving for something in their life. It does not matter your age or stage of life, every thought, word and action we have has some sort of purpose. What's yours? And, just as importantly, how will you know when that purpose, goal, or desire, have been attained? Consider if you will, if and when the answer you have to the question above does become clear, is that your Victory Lane or is that merely your starting point when the green flag waves? All too often people have to ponder that question, to even consider what they truly desire. Most of us have many dreams from which to choose, it is deciding which ones to really see through to the checkered flag. This year's 500 is the 107 running of the Indianapolis race, and, 74 different drivers have won. Since you are the only "driver" in your life, how many "races" have you experienced? And, how many Victory Lane's have you actually experienced? And, what about those that fell along the wayside? The world is full of opportunities, it just may be time to pick one of those. As you ponder those questions, really take some time to consider the dreams, goals, desires and truly important moments you have seen to come to fruition in your life. We all have ups and downs, and sometimes life seems like it's a constant changing lanes, being passed by someone or seemingly cut off by another person attempting to take your position. Life often feels like a oval shaped, repetitive obstacle course, and yet, we love the thrill of attempting and accomplishing a desired feat, even better, "Being the Winner," being in Victory Lane. This Memorial Day, consider what is really important, what cost many have paid to provide those of us living in this beautiful country the opportunity to go after everything our heart desires. Everything we accomplish in life comes with someone, or often many people, who stood beside us. Whether we knew them or not, those that gave their all, did so with as a loyal, patriotic comrade willing to answer the call of their country. We owe our lives, our freedom, our abundant opportunities to these often nameless service men and women. This Memorial Day, let's welcome put them in "Victory Lane," and hold their courage in our hearts to see whatever endeavors we are pursuing to guide us to our "Victory Lanes!" A Side Note: Check out our Community Events page for a few opportunities that just might help you with your deepest desires, goals, endeavors and adventures. To cross into "Victory Lane," takes personal courage, perseverance, and a community of supporters! It takes showing up to Life!
Mother's are an indispensable resource to the world! Imagine a world without Mothers. Actually, you can't because if your mother opted to not have children, you wouldn't be here to read this blog. Please understand, Motherhood is a very serious decision to make and by all means is one not to be taken lightly. To choose to be a mother is to commit to a role you will have until you take your last breath, and please note, there is no retirement! Grandchildren are the "next generation," to expand and require the gentle, patient, and loving touch of a Grandmother.
Of course, some mothers are stern, direct and lack patience, and that's OK too, for many of us needed those teachings in order to grow. My teacher used to say sometimes a person has to "flip the coin," to learn the lessons such behaviors offer us to become compassionate, loving people. When I would tell the young people who had such a parent those words, they would look at me quite puzzled. "Huh? how does that teach me to be loving?" I always responded, "By showing you what you do not want to do to your children." Bitterness, lack of forgiveness, and judgments about anyone stops our personal growth. We are harmed more when we hold resentment toward anyone . . . but then, I regress! The bottom line is, Motherhood is a lifetime commitment that often is taken for granted. It is a privilege to bring a life into this world, adopt a child, or inherit them through a marriage. It is an honor to be given a "teacher" who will love you despite all the insecurities you may feel at the various stages your child will enter. And, a teacher a child will be! This Mother's Day, pause and reflect on the many life lessons you learned from your mother. My hunch is, that list will be quite long. And, always remember, a mother is forever learning how to love her child until the she takes her last breath. So, this Mother's Day, call your mother! It's not the flowers or candy, it's the direct look in the eyes or sincere, "Thank you for my life," that will mean the world to your mother. P.S. Some Fathers are the nurturers in the family, we'll recognize their gifts in June! Thursday, May 18 from 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. The Deepening into Wisdom Circle will meet. We will be learning more about the benefits and ways in which Meditation can help us truly learn to Listen to the "voice of our Heart," the place of our soul, along with how to truly listen to others in order to develop and expand our relationships with those we encounter. Learning to listen to your own heart is imperative for personal and spiritual growth. To silence our ever chatting head and focus on what a friend, partner, child, parent, our coworker or boss is sharing, is vital for our own well-being, along with enriching those relationships. Kathryn Pingel will be sharing her gifts of listening to the words that spirit sends her way. We are grateful for her willing to open her heart and share these important and valuable teachings so that our personal truths may become more clearly understood and cherished. Imagine, if you will how the world would change if we truly learned to listen! As always, if you have any questions or comments, please send them to Vicky, at: [email protected] And, to all you Mothers, Have a blessed and rich Mother's Day! |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025