We enter the abundantly rich month of November with great anticipation for the Holidays in front of us. Our spring board was the celebration of Trick or Treat time with the kids in our lives, be them our own or in our neighborhood. The very cold temps kept many homebound, although most celebrated early to ensure they got to be a "superhero" for at least one day. With bags full of goodies, their hearts were made ready for the next big event, Christmas!
Interesting how Thanksgiving seems to get glazed over, along with the ham, since to children it's just another day being plagued with "adults." Of course, the children that accompany the "big people" provide playmates for the day that makes all the adults talking baby talk to them do-able! Veteran's Day is a very important time for our country as we pause and consider those brave men and women who stepped forward to protect and defend our way of life. I am certain most of you reading this know of at least one person in your family that offered their self-less courage to serve in a branch of the military. With all the reminders of conflicts and destruction currently experienced in other countries, it certainly offers a "peek" at what many of the soldiers prepared to confront. Whether they served during war time or peace, these men and women serve the citizens of this country during times of disasters, riots, and other times of turmoil and unrest. Often times, they provide the extra set of hands that offer food, shelter and basic needs to our communities. We do indeed owe them a debt of gratitude. Beginning in 1990, November was designated as "Native American Heritage" month. Congress chose November since the month concludes the traditional harvest season and generally is a time of celebration and giving thanks. Yet another example of how differences can go from conflicts to peace given time, patience and a willingness to truly "see" each other as a reflection of ourselves. May this beautiful month that offers us a time to pause, celebrate, and gather, provide us the opportunity to truly notice the many blessings in our lives. Personally, I thank each of you for sharing your gifts and presence in the inspiring and uplifting gatherings offered here and throughout our communities. Grandmother Spider certainly brought us a beautiful gift when she demonstrated ways to weave the web of our lives with much love and gratitude, and how to strengthen the areas that may have hurt our hearts. For it is those difficult times that help us become wise, strong and compassionate! Always from the Heart, Vicky Events: The Deepening into Wisdom circle will host Victoria Williams Steen's, Personal Symbolism Visioning retreat, Thursday, November 16 from 6:30-8:00. Check out the Events tab, then click on the Community link for more information. It is certain to be most intriguing, and offer each participant the opportunity to re-discover a create way to "Deepen into the Wisdom" within their heart. Walks Tall Woman is the Clan Mother honored in the month of November. She carries the teaching of ways to "Walk in Truth," and the Guardian of Leadership and Keeper of New Pathways. "Walks Tall Woman shows us how to keep our eyes on the goal, our feet on the path, and the truth in our hearts, never waiting for another to do it for us!" Check out the 13 Original Clan Mother tab for a few questions to ponder as you walk your Sacred Path. Gifts from the Great Above: Sky Nation: November 13 at 4:27 a.m. the New Moon offers us the opportunity to pause and reflect on 1.) where we are, 2.) What we want to let go of, and 3.) What we are ready to bring forth. Then on November 27, the Beaver Full Moon, offers us, once again, the opportunity to examine our emotional interior. It is a time to surrender to the areas in our life that may be ready to be released, closed or ended as it pertains to various relationships. Such beautiful assistance Nature offers if we simply, put our mind in our pocket, turn on the ears of our Heart, and Pay Attention, Pay Attention, Pay Attention! That's about it for this moment. Enjoy the rounding out of fall, and like the Beaver, finish up what needs taken with you into the season of Winter. With a Grateful Heart, Vicky
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025