This morning I feel hopeful that things are changing in our world and that through these changes more love, joy and laughter will help each day become an adventure! This morning my heart is grateful and confident in the goodness of the heart . . . humans, animals, trees, winged ones and star beings. This morning my heart is full💜
Welcome to the Glorious months of Fall and all the amazing examples of how to drop all pretenses and allow ourselves to be our authentic selves. We welcome you to join us as we welcome this month's Clan Mother, Walks Tall Woman, on Thursday, Nov 2, at 7:00 p.m. We will thank Weaves the Web for her teachings in October and welcome Walks Tall Woman and her teachings of how to Walk Our Talk by leading through example instead of insisting that others simply follow the leader. She also teaches us how to be proud of our accomplishments through self-esteem, not self-importance.
Check out the tab, 13 Original Clan Mothers for more information and some questions to consider. Wear a skirt or bring a sarong to honor those that walked before us. Bring a friend and an open heart to learn more about these amazing teachers of Truth. Please RSVP by Thursday noon IF you plan to attend. From my heart to yours, Vicky With all the hurricanes, floods, fires and earthquakes many people say it's a sign of the "end times" of the world. Others say it is a direct reflection of our lack of acknowledgement global warming exist. I say, it is Mother Earth helping us uproot the stale, old, outdated, antiquated mindset in which we have existed over the past century. Oh, certainly technology has advanced us in many ways by putting information at our finger tips and allowing us to expand our knowledge of other countries ways of life.
Whatever view one chooses to explain what is occurring, one thing is eminently clear, we are not in control of these natural disasters and devastating events. What is also very clear is we can and need to pause and look at what we CAN do to comfort others, lend a hand to our neighbor, put our money where our mouth is and actually take a step to help rebuild the sort of community we truly want. We certainly can start to take steps toward being more respectful to our environment rather then ignore the deep and lasting actions ignorance and arrogance has on our world, just as it has on our neighbors. Now is a good time to realize our neighbors are just like us. They, too, have hopes and dreams for their world, just as they have painful situations to confront, as most of us do. Perhaps opening our eyes to the amazing opportunity in front of us to deepen our understanding of true compassion will be the very medicine needed to heal the hearts of All Our Relations on this beautiful planet and bring about a sense of community that respects all things as valuable resources, including the humans! Hopefully it is a sign of the "end times" and we accept the golden opportunity to change what has not served us for a very long time. To get "unstuck" begins with you and me being willing to lovingly look in the mirror, decide what we can do to be more of what we want in the world and then take the action to do it! Join us this Thursday, Oct 5 at 7 p.m. as we welcome the Clan Mother for this moon, "Weaves the Web." Please wear a skirt or bring a sarong to honor the woman who walked before us as we listen to the teachings of this Clan Mother who teaches us about Working with the Truth. For more information on this Clan Mother check out the "This Moon" tab on the left. Please RSVP if you plan to attend by Thursday noon. Until then, have a fabulous week!
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025