It is with a very grateful heart I wish everyone a heart-felt, delicious Thanksgiving. With all the focus on Black Friday savings, how about considering the abundance you already have. If you woke up this morning you had a very abundant blessing. If you took a breath, you had a blessing. If the water was available to take a shower, coffee pot brewed your morning cup of a hot substance, and you were able to move about in a warm home you have blessings.
These are but a few everyday events that are often overlooked for the blessings they provide. If you have someone who loves you, even if they sometimes drive you crazy, you have an abundant blessing. If you have food in your cabinets, running water, and a means to cook your favorite Thanksgiving dishes, you are wealthy. These are but a few of the many every day actions we all too often take for granted. This Thanksgiving when you wake up, whisper gratitude for the first thing you see and then smile. Continue throughout the day noting each item you use, person you speak with, each tree, leaf, critter you encounter and speak a gratitude for each. It just might make your heart realize all the blessings you have that are all too often taken for granted. And, it might help you remember just have very loved and "seen" you really are! Maybe, just maybe, Black Friday will instead become a Gratitude Friday!
And so our first snow is upon us; howbeit only a couple of inches. My heart is warmed and a childlike excitement fills my whole being as the beautiful white gifts from above blanket Earth Mother with beauty. I am reminded of the story, "Unblemished Snow" in Head to Heart Talks. It is a reminder of the purity and innocence that surrounds us IF we allow that childlike remembering to emerge. How I love the reminder of purity, and the feel on my skin when the white fluffy flakes moistened my face as I looked up. I would open my mouth and allow the flakes to enter my being as a sense of ageless wonder filled every cell with a memory of amazement. It continues every year at the first snow!
It is also Veteran's Day. Yet another reminder of the courage, dedication and discipline it takes to offer oneself for the good of the whole, despite the consequences. It is a time to remember that within all of us is a place of childlike innocence that keeps us moving forward despite the obstacles and experiences we encounter on this Earth walk. Here's to re-membering that sweetness of hope, adrenaline rush that nudges us forward and the sheer willingness to move toward a new endeavor, just for the sake of the adventure. Here's to embracing the unknown in order to create our next heartfelt memory that brings a smile to our face just remembering it! Now is the perfect time to step back and examine what you have harvested in your Life this year. What seeds did you plant in the Spring? A new: job, home, relationship, some renovation, or may be something really big like a new attitude, a new mindset, a new understanding! Now doubt there was something you made a resolution to accomplish; a dream or desire to enrich your life.
As the Harvest was gathered by the Farmers that planted the seeds in the Spring, take a few moments to consider what you have manifested during 2019. Do this with soft eyes and a gentle spirit for the baby steps and/or giant leaps that were accomplished. If that voice you hear is loving and kind, then listen. If it is harsh and condemning, let it know it is one of the things you are going to take into the winter season to dream away. Transform is really the best word. For the often critical voice came to you through the teachings of society. It was intended to help you maneuver you way through the cultural norms in order to "fit in" to what was expected of you to be successful. (That word is in italics because success measured by society may not necessarily feed your heart. ) As will soon be posted on the front page, we are offering a Sacred Pipe Ceremony as an outward expression of what each of us would like to take into the winter and bring forth in the Spring. Just as seeds must dry and prepare themselves to be planted in the Spring, so our dreams must created with clear intention and purpose. We hope you will join us so our many gardens will be reflections of what other like minded people want to see more of in the world! |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025