Thursday, Jan 28 is the first Full Moon in 2021. It is referred to as the Wolf Moon and will offer a time to take center stage of your life. According to astrologist, this moon is in Leo and if you know much about Leo's they enjoy the position; in fact, they do their best when everyone notices their gifts! Whatever you are creating or re-inventing within yourself, this Full Moon will offer you the opportunity to release, reclaim and reinvent an aspect of yourself that beckons to be noticed. Perhaps it is time to get in touch with someone you have considered joining a relationship with, be it personal or professional.
Let your heart be your advisor and use the powerful energy of the Wolf Moon to "howl" in and proclaim something that is ready to be brought to the light of Grandmother Moon's glorious face. Then watch the universe bring to you, precisely what you want and need to be successful with your new endeavor! Then be prepared to receive the gifts brought with the New Moon February 11. It is true, the whole universe waits to be of assistance to all the inhabitants on Earth Mother. Claim yours by being willing to give your best to any endeavor you choose to bring forth. Leave a note or email me if you'd like participants of this Lodge to support you through silent prayer or a full blown celebration. Despite the distance or the pandemic, such celebrations can be shared within the sacred spaces of our homes. From my heart to yours, Vicky
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. a true symbol of Truth and courage. While his magnificent words are many, the quote above is important for us to remember as we move through the current situations in front of us as a country. In the history of the World, there have been many such Bringers of Light and Truth. It does not matter what part of the world they came from, such teachers have ascended on this planet, along with the rest of us, and made a difference. They came here as newborn babies, just as you and I did and moved from that place of purity and innocence of spirit. They, too, had to learn how to exist on the density of Earth and learn the ways to live within the community in which they were born. These ways were taught through the traditions, customs, stories and actions of those within the community. It is from there each of us develop our beliefs. Of course, everyone is aware of these truths, and yet, in light of our current situation in this country it appears we also learned our ways were the only true ways by which everyone must live. To live differently makes one right and another wrong. Now might be a grand time to pause and examine the ways in which we live in order to realize the impact our words, thoughts and actions are influence have on the young ones with whom we encounter, along with the next seven generation after us. Friday, January 30, Grandmother Moon will show her face fully to anyone willing to look up. The brightness of her Light heralds in a time of high, exciting energy, and with that we are offered a time to reflect and release that which no longer serves us, or the World! She offers us a time to prepare to receive what our deepest hopes and dreams are for our life, and our world. Along with her presence, the energy of the Clan Mother, Wisdom Keeper offers to teach us how to "Honor the Truth." Truth, a very valuable understanding to really know within your Life. It might a good time to reflect on what your interpretation of Truth is. (More information is available on the Clan Mother) Interestingly, a new monthly circle for 2021 begins this Thursday, January 21, the Wisdom Circle. It is designed to assist seekers yearning for deeper understandings to explore, share and learn more about the diverse world in which we live. If you are seeker desiring a deeper connection within your heart and within a community of other seekers, check out the Wisdom circle link. This Lodge continues to share the Light of Love within each of our hearts, to honor those that walked before us, and those that walk among us that also believe what Dr. King demonstrated in his life. We choose to use Light and Love to bring more peace and harmony to this very chaotic time in the country and around the World. We invite you to be a part of the Light we offer, whether attending some of our offerings, or simply sharing your community teachings and offerings with us, we wish to be as Grandmother Spider and create a web of Light and Love that will blanket our country and world. |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025