Oh what a beautiful beginning to a New Year! As we are snuggled into the safety and comforts of our Caves, what a warm experience to look outside and see the abundant covering of the gifts from above. Of course, this is from my perspective; however, I am certain many others share similar feelings. The past few winters snow has detoured Indiana and only offered a scant offering of the white, fluffy beauty. There is an old teaching that snow carries the prayers from those on earth; perhaps more people are waking up to Earth Mother's changes. Or, perhaps humans have returned to a place of asking for assistance from a greater source. Whatever the reason, it is lovely to know we humans are realizing we do not have all the answers or solutions, and that something outside ourselves just may offer assistance.
Looking out from the warmth of our caves (homes), what a winter wonderland presents the unblemished truth, that clarity, simplicity and strength lies right in front of us. Despite any and all of the current situation in our lives, our communities, our country and our world, there is always the gifts from Nature to cleanse, purify and guide that stands with us. Those that walked before us knew the importance of being in right relations with "All our Relations." It may be time to consider those words; the truth in front of each of us is whether to accept or ignore those teachings. From my humble perspective, the snow offers a reminder that, the Warmth of Snow, and the presence of our winter's cave, provides an opportunity to reprioritize what is important and know for certain, what we can dream will come to fruition. It may not come this year; however, trust if we do our part, it will manifest. How about looking through the window of your cave and noticing the abundance of snow through the eyes of a child. Maybe it time to remember the youthful times of wonder; pull the sled from the rafters in the garage, build a snowman (or woman) and simply be in the moment. Just as important, look through the lens of the old teaching above and see the abundance of dreams and prayers of so many. Remember, what you do for yourself, you do for others. You just may find your neighbors doing the same. Taking that action may just bring a warmth to your heart! Check out our website, and if you have any questions, comments, or request, please use the contact link. We welcome your words and insights, or any gifts or teachings you would like to offer. We offer the Deepening into Wisdom circle as a place to share those gifts. Our first wisdom circle is Thursday, January 16, 6:30-8p. Everyone is welcome to check us out. There a gifting bowl for those wanting to show gratitude for the spirit that guides our gatherings. Read more on the Events link. Until later, here's to the Warmth of Snow and your Heart! Vicky "Looks like diamonds! Like millions and millions of Sparkling jewels!" The old woman, "Unblemished Snow," Book One: Head to Heart Talks: Rediscovering your authentic self."
I woke this morning clearly aware I was snuggly settled into my personal cave. It felt safe, intimately my space and a sense of eagerness filled my heart. It felt comforting to know for the next few months time would be available to go into what is true for me, a place of rest, creating and peaceful time of year. Of course, this morning is especially special since the small ceramic Christmas tree of my mother's, is lit with colorful butterflies. The first thing I heard was, send a blog! I must admit, my desire to blog often wavers, with winter, the desire to create abounds. Here is what came through:
We have officially walked through the threshold of dreaming and entered "Into the Cave," heralded in with the winter solstice. In the North we have the opportunity to pause, reflect and consider what we wish to bring forth with the onset of spring. The quiet time and darkness of winter offers us an opportunity to slow down, go within, and consider what we wish to move towards, deepen into, or bring forth on our sacred walk around the Medicine Wheel of Life. Consider those words carefully, "Sacred Walk around the Medicine Wheel of Life." What, of anything, does that mean to you? Perhaps the phrase, "Walking a Sacred Path," feels more familiar or comfortable to you. As it is with words, the meaning has various interpretations all dependent upon one's personal understanding based on cultural beliefs, traditions and social norms. For this blog, what is important is to pause and consider. During the course of a day many words are spoken, read, listened to, and yet, it is the listeners personal interpretation that attaches meaning to the words. How you use your time each winter is probably pretty routine. This winter, consider what the word "sacred" means to you, then reflect on ways that word fits your life, both during the holidays, special times of the year, and in your day to day life. For many, this time of year is about setting goals, both personally and professionally for the new year. This winter, consider including your understanding of "sacred" into those intentions (goals) for 2025. My hunch is, there will be a different perspective with creating those intentions (goals) simply by adding the word "sacred" into the mix. From my heart to yours, Vicky "When we are grateful, we free our hearts to create new dreams and visions." The old woman, "Let's Do This," Book two: Head to Heart Talks: Walking a Sacred Path" It is that time of year when travel abounds! Beginning with Thanksgiving, families busily prepare their homes for the Holiday season and Black Friday opens the door to purchasing gifts. Here in the West Christmas becomes the focus December 25, followed by the Jewish holiday, Hanukkah, December 18-26, and African American families celebrate Kwanzaa, December 26-January 1. I recently became aware of Saint Nicholas Day, which is celebrated on December 6. It is often referenced as The Feast of Saint Nicholas and is honored by many Western Christian countries. Saint Nicholas of Myra, was a fourth century bishop known for his generosity and kindness to the children, the poor, and the sick.
Such are the diverse and heart-felt expressions of kindness, generosity, and an acknowledgment of something greater than ourselves. It is also a time to reconnect with our ancestral lineage and remember those that walked before us. As we enter this season of celebration our hearts are given the opportunity to move our focus to something truly heart-felt both from our past memories and stories that were shared by our elders, to the present moment of giving. It is a beautiful opportunity to step away from the "comings and goings" of current events and focus on what brings happiness and joy to our hearts. Most importantly, is the re-membering of our loved ones, and reconnecting to our hearts. This Holiday season, offers a time to hit the pause of button of everyday life and recall the beauty of simple things; making cookies with Grandma, listening to the stories Grandpa shares about his childhood, the silly sayings he may have repeated, and what he knows of the tradition of his culture. Just as rewarding is observing the little kid in each of them as they share these memories. Holidays offer us the priceless gift of really honoring where we are from, what our culture truly holds important and why such traditions continue. In a world that seems to be in a blender of issues and concerns, getting to the core of what is truly important, is vital to our understanding of ourselves and others. It offers a deeper understanding of the many cultures in our country, which may, if we pay attention, deepen our respect for the diverse world in which we live. If we will use this time to see the joy of genuine, childlike love and acceptance, without judgment, this Holiday season just may reawaken our heart to the deeper truth of life, love and connection to the divine Flame of Love from which we were each conceived. Considering these simple truths will make the trip, "Over the river and through the woods" (to Grandmother and Grandpa's house) a more enjoyable and heart-felt event. Those of us at Dancing Flame Medicine Lodge, wish the visitors to this site, to our gatherings and offerings a very Heart-felt Holiday Season. May the joy of the season prepare each of us for entering the Cave of Winter on December 21, to your true North direction. It is during the winter season we have the opportunity to dream of ways the magic of Truth and Love of this season may be carried into the place of new beginnings, Spring. To dream well, Remember to Tell your Head, it's job is to remember your dreams and Let your Heart lead the Way. It is then we can begin a new round on the Sacred Wheel of life, and "Walk our Sacred Paths" fully rested and prepared to carry those dreams into 2025. From my heart to yours, Vicky " Whispers of our soul bring deep Truths from the wisdom within," The old woman "Let's do this," Book Two, Head to Heart Talks: Walking a Sacred Path The harvesting of Fall's gifts is nearly complete and the busyness of preparing for family gatherings begins. "Frost on the pumpkins" has yet to happen; although we know the time is near. For those of us in the Midwest, the coolness of October's weather has offered our hearts a time to enjoy touring around the landscape to observe Fall's colorful display. In light of the devastation that occurred for our southern friends, it is time to reach into our hearts and pockets to offer a "hand up." Check out reputable organizations of first responders to see what is needed. Chances are some of the items most needed may be in your closet or food pantry. And, do not underestimate the power of gratitude. Look around your life and notice the many blessings you and your family have, that is a great place to begin to help those that have lost everything.
As we conclude October and begin November a couple of points to pause and consider: Halloween, All Soul's Day, Day of the Dead and All Saints Day are an opportunity to show respect for those in the afterworld, other side, or whatever word fits your personal view of the spirit world. While each of these celebrations are practiced differently, the common theme is to show respect and remembrance for those no longer in a physical body. October 31 kicks the celebrations off with Halloween, while November 1 and 2 are designated for the remaining three celebrations. If you are interested, search each one to learn a bit more about them, I'm certain you will find it most interesting. Yet, again, examples of how similar, rather than different, we all are. November is also National Native American Heritage month. It is a time to recognize the history, culture, and achievements of the original inhabitants of the United States and their descendants. November is also a time to honor veterans who have served to defend out nation. Oh, and remember to VOTE, Tuesday, November 5! We are fortunate to live in a country where every person has an opportunity to let their chose be known. Remember, if you do not vote, you cannot complain about whoever becomes our next President. Lastly, Thanksgiving is November 28. While is seems to be overshadowed by Black Friday and Christmas, this day offers an opportunity for friends and families to gather, reconnect and remember those with whom we share a common thread. It is a time to set aside any differences and see the hearts of those in attendance. During these unusually stressful times of great upheaval and change, we must go into our hearts, look at the eyes of those around the table and see the good. Life often brings wounds, sorrows and disappointments. Use this opportunity to realize like each of us, those around the table have also faced challenging times. Wouldn't it be wonderful to offer, if only for that day, grace to everyone in attendance. Despite our differences, we need each other, we need our hearts to be open and willing to forgive and to be forgiven for whatever wounds created the chasm between any family member or friend present. Life is too short to waste the precious time we are given with any bitterness and/or regret. As the scriptures of the Bible states: "those who are without sin, caste the first stone." Really consider those words and perhaps Thanksgiving of 2024 will be one to remember; to turn a corner, end a chapter and start a new page. Remember to check our website for information on various healing ceremonies and offerings, teachings, information pertaining to the "Head to Heart book series, the Clan Mothers, and valuable resources available to assist you as you Walk the Sacred Path of Life. Here's to helping heal the world beginning first in your heart. and then with those you hold dear. And, remember the wise words of Jimmy Hendrix, "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace! From my heart to yours, Vicky Midway through October? I ask myself how these months seem to fly by. My mother used to tell me, “The older you get, the faster years go by.” Well, she was absolutely correct. Although, I hear younger people saying the same thing. It seems life is moving at a rapid pace for everyone on the planet.
In my “neck of the woods” nearly three quarters of the crops are harvested. With such dry conditions, a plume of dust hoovers over the land as farmers diligently work the fields. Being a farm girl, I love observing these dedicated men and women who honor and respect this beautiful planet, and enjoy knowing their efforts feed so many. Of course, these crops not only fill the bellies of people, these rich crops are used to create many useful and sustainable by-products. Hats off to these dedicated, hard-working farm people. One bumper sticker sums it up well, “If your belly’s full, thank a Farmer.” October will conclude with the “spooky” holiday of Halloween. Such a festive time of year when children (and big kids) dress up in all sorts of costumes and make believe their someone or something else. Halloween dates back some 2,000 years to the Celtic festival of Samhain. This festival marked the end of the harvest and the beginning of the “darker” half of the year. The word Halloween is a combination of the Scottish words “hallow” and “een,” which means “holy” or “saint” and “evening,” respectively. You might research a bit more of its origin and discover some other interesting facts. Pondering these holidays are a great way to see the common ways many cultures share in celebrating the same concepts and ideas; just in different ways. It is, indeed, true, we have more in common than we have differences. Reminders: Thursday, October 17 at 7:26 a.m. the Hunter’s Full Moon heralds in a time to begin to gather what is needed for winter. It is a time of high energy; a time to Reflect, Release and prepare to Receive. Each full moon offers such a time to consider: What’s come up? What are you ready to experience, and What are you ready to let go of in order for your intentions to manifest. The Deepening into Wisdom circle meets that evening from 6:30-7 p.m. This will be the last circle for 2024. What a perfect time to use the questions offered with this full moon. If it’s your first time visiting this circle, consider checking us out this Thursday. Weather permitting, we will be outside around a small fire, so dress warmly and bring something to use as we sit on the ground and feel the connection to the fire, Earth Mother, and each other. Lastly, a reminder the deadline to sign up for the “Using the Mandala as a Compass” is Friday, October 18. Read more about this very interesting and helpful tool for guiding one's life on our webpage under Community Events. We are confident you will leave this event learning something “you didn’t know you didn’t know!” “Autumn heralds in a time to harvest, and from the West, we can hear the whispers of our Creator,” from Book One, The Container. “West: A place to listen to the ‘voice’ of our Heart,” From Book Two, The Compass October is upon us as we turn our eyes from the warmth of summer and move into Autumn. The gifts of this astrological cycle offer us the opportunity to slow our pace in preparation for the winter ahead. While I love all the gifts of each season nature offers, Fall has always been my most favorite. The cooler temps, observing the farmers harvesting the gifts of their year's work, and the amazing, colorful turning of the leaves is breathtaking. With the climate changing this year's season may look a bit different. Nonetheless, it will be worth a drive to observe nature at it's best. It is a beautiful reminder that humans are not in charge of everything, despite their efforts to be.
The sacred circle of life evolves as the astrological wheel of life turns. Using the indigenous teachings of nearly every culture on this planet, the Mandala is a simple, yet powerful visual that can and will assist the humans with connecting to Earth Mother and all her inhabitants. We humans live in a world in which many words are used to explain human nature, the indigenous people of this planet used the simple ways of nature to navigate their way through life. As we enter this season of gathering the harvest, it might be helpful to reflect on what goals you set in motion with the new year in front of you and the planting of those intentions with the season of Spring. Take the time to wrap yourself in the warm of a cozy sweater, gather around a fire with some family and/or friends, and share how your year is wrapping up. Add to your reflections with a drive through the countryside to observe "The Changing of the leaves," and consider how nature does everything from a place of innate knowing, without pondering or considering. Rather, it trust the natural rhythms of each cycle of life to unfold with grace and ease. Opportunities: The last Deepening into Wisdom circle for 2024 will be Thursday, October 17, from 6:30-8 p.m. Weather permitting, we will gather around a fire and since it is harvest time, will have the opportunity to reflect and share on how this year has unfolded. If it is your first time, come and meet some fellow sojourners, you just might meet your next new "friend." Weaves the Web is the Clan Mother for October, and she offers ways to notice the web of connections you have with others, and most importantly, with yourself. Check out the Teachings tab and scroll down to her brief description and a few questions to consider. We hope to see familiar and new faces! "Using the Mandala as a Compass to Find your true North." The last offering of this basic teaching of ways to use the sacred Wheel of Life, in the form of a Mandala, to assist you with living your best life, will be Saturday, October 19, deadline to sign up is October 17. Read a bit more information about this retreat along with a few responses of former attendees on the Community Events link. Until then, "Wander Indiana" and be amazed at the beauty throughout the state and, undoubtable right in your neighborhood! From my heart to yours, Vicky The last blog asked the question, “What do I really need.” Hopefully, you paused after reading the blog and asked yourself that question. More importantly, that question settled into your heart and your head pondered it for a while. That was several weeks ago, has your head and heart come up with any answers?
Let’s add another very important component to consider: What do I hold dear to my heart? Most of us begin with our loved ones and move to our health and our loved one’s health, and then add to the list their career, financial security, and go from there. When I was a Home Economics teacher, later renamed Family and Consumer science (FCS) Core Values were taught. It was deemed one of the most important skills for living to know in order to begin truly knowing oneself. Interestingly, many schools have deemed FCS an unnecessary class since it is not needed for college and removed it from the curriculum. I won’t get on that tangent but, seriously, unnecessary? The truth is our Core Values undergird every decision we make in life. Whether its deciding what to do with one’s life, choosing a career, a friend, a partner, selecting a hairdresser, doctor, to what color to wear each day. That’s right, every single thing you do is determined by what you deem important in your life. I recall in the 80’s the focus was on values clarification and the teachers were instructed to not engage in sharing their values with their students. It was noted that to talk about your personal values may influence the students and parent’s may complain if those values were contrary to what they were teaching their children. I recall asking how that was possible when how I decorate my room, the clothes I wear, how I treat the students displayed my values? I never got an answer to that question. With information readily available with the tips of our fingers, search for more information about Core Values and how they influence our lives, your head will be more than willing to consider what pops up. While you are doing that research, listen to your heart. Pay attention to what rings true for you, that’s your heart speaking to you. Designate some time to begin to understand what basic values influence and guide your life, grab a piece of paper or your journal and at the top write: What do I hold dear to my heart? Keep at it and you will develop a closer relationship with your heart, and your head will be grateful it could help! September Events: Thursday, Sept 19, from 6:30-8p.m is our next Deepening into Wisdom Circle. If you are looking for a community, or simply curious about this circle, come check us out. Our last Deepening into Wisdom circle in 2024 will be October 18. We welcome you to join us. Read more about this circle on the Events page of our website: www.headtohearttalks.com or contact Vicky at: [email protected]. Thursday, Sept 17 at 10:34 p.m. the Harvest Moon will appear in preparation for the official welcoming of Fall with the Autumn Equinox, Monday, Sept 23 at 8:43 a.m. Such a marvelous partnership that offers us the opportunity to pause and notice the abundance received from our dreaming in the Winter, planting in the Spring, and tending and taking action in the Summer with what is necessary to bring those dreams to fruition. Of course, Summer offers a time to play and have adventures to balance those efforts by allowing us to bring out our inner child. Fall brings the beauty of the harvest, colorful leaves that blanket Earth Mother and offer their richness to nourish her over the Winter. It is the West direction that beckons us to slow down and look inward. As we gather around a fire snuggly wrapped in sweatshirts and blankets, it is, indeed, a time to end the busyness of the year and appreciate the completion of a cycle. Happenings: Check out the Using the Mandala as a Compass to find your True North retreat listed on the Community Events page. If you are ready to explore a deeper understanding of your life, this retreat will offer you a simple, every day, every year opportunity to Walk a Sacred Path aware of your basic needs and values. Or as the Buddhist would say, wake up and become aware; allow the Buddha within to guide your life. Whatever form of spiritual beliefs you practice, become aware of it, honor it, pay attention and watch it become your guiding North Star. In today's society we often read and hear about what we need to be happy and successful, what does that really mean? And, how do "they" know? I am certain there is an abundance of research surveys, polls, questionnaires, and various other ways to gather such facts; however, the validity of those consensus results rarely provide the "audience" from which the research was taken. Knowing the audience is an important piece of information to have when being presented with the final percentage or points of such findings. That said, whomever is listening or reading such results will interpret the findings based on their personal perspective.
Why does this matter? Well, in my humble opinion, each of us needs to take responsibility for how we interpret the information we receive. To do this, we need to have a clear sense of what is important to us and what we value most in our lives, as well as how we feel and what we sense about a situation. Many people only rely on information they receive, rather than pausing and considering their personal sense of what is being reported. Of course, there are no simple answers to such findings since at this time on our planet, everything seems to be questionable. Let's make this personal. In the big picture of your life, what is important to you? What helps you feel hopeful, happy, energized, motivated and lightens your step in life? In this diverse world in which we live, what do you know for certain? Deepak Chopra wrote in the, The Seven Spiritual Laws for Success, Through the wisdom of uncertainty I will find my security. What a powerful statement! Sometimes in life it is good to not know something, to not be thinking all the time; rather, to simply experience the moment. To do this requires knowing yourself and what's truly important to you, and most importantly trusting yourself in order to answer, What do I really need? Maslow's hierarchy of basic needs is a simple way to understand and learn what you truly need to feel satisfied with life. It offers ways to learn what others you love may need, and to develop space in your life to let your heart guide you. There lies the means to begin to trust your gut instincts when confronting literally every situation in life. Using the Mandala as a Compass to Find your True North, offers a unique and easy way to understand and discover answers to the question, "What do I really need." Check out the Community Events page for a bit more information. Events: The Deepening into Wisdom circle is Thursday, August 15, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Join us as we explore and share stories that have guided our lives. Sometimes those stories are actual ones that pertain to our lives, or ones we have written during our creative journal writing time, and sometimes it's a story we read that touched our hearts. This circle is open to everyone, first timers and regular attendees. All that is required is an open heart, a blanket for your lap and a willingness to meet other "Seekers." There is a gifting bowl to offer back a bit of what you have gained by attending. The Full "Sturgeon" Moon arrives Monday, Aug 19 at 2:26p.m. Along with the beautiful opportunity to use the powerful, fullness of Grandmother Moon, the Clan Mother, Setting Sun Woman brings her teachings of ways to Live the Truth. What a powerful time to support and develop your personal knowing of the Truth by which you live your life. May your walk through the heat and fullness of summer make August a month to enjoy the playful, adventurous times as you reconnect with the child within and re-member those heart-felt memories of summer. "For it is only with the heart one can clearly see, what is important is invisible to the eye," The Little Prince From my Heart to yours, Vicky |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025