The last blog asked the question, “What do I really need.” Hopefully, you paused after reading the blog and asked yourself that question. More importantly, that question settled into your heart and your head pondered it for a while. That was several weeks ago, has your head and heart come up with any answers?
Let’s add another very important component to consider: What do I hold dear to my heart? Most of us begin with our loved ones and move to our health and our loved one’s health, and then add to the list their career, financial security, and go from there. When I was a Home Economics teacher, later renamed Family and Consumer science (FCS) Core Values were taught. It was deemed one of the most important skills for living to know in order to begin truly knowing oneself. Interestingly, many schools have deemed FCS an unnecessary class since it is not needed for college and removed it from the curriculum. I won’t get on that tangent but, seriously, unnecessary? The truth is our Core Values undergird every decision we make in life. Whether its deciding what to do with one’s life, choosing a career, a friend, a partner, selecting a hairdresser, doctor, to what color to wear each day. That’s right, every single thing you do is determined by what you deem important in your life. I recall in the 80’s the focus was on values clarification and the teachers were instructed to not engage in sharing their values with their students. It was noted that to talk about your personal values may influence the students and parent’s may complain if those values were contrary to what they were teaching their children. I recall asking how that was possible when how I decorate my room, the clothes I wear, how I treat the students displayed my values? I never got an answer to that question. With information readily available with the tips of our fingers, search for more information about Core Values and how they influence our lives, your head will be more than willing to consider what pops up. While you are doing that research, listen to your heart. Pay attention to what rings true for you, that’s your heart speaking to you. Designate some time to begin to understand what basic values influence and guide your life, grab a piece of paper or your journal and at the top write: What do I hold dear to my heart? Keep at it and you will develop a closer relationship with your heart, and your head will be grateful it could help! September Events: Thursday, Sept 19, from 6:30-8p.m is our next Deepening into Wisdom Circle. If you are looking for a community, or simply curious about this circle, come check us out. Our last Deepening into Wisdom circle in 2024 will be October 18. We welcome you to join us. Read more about this circle on the Events page of our website: or contact Vicky at: [email protected]. Thursday, Sept 17 at 10:34 p.m. the Harvest Moon will appear in preparation for the official welcoming of Fall with the Autumn Equinox, Monday, Sept 23 at 8:43 a.m. Such a marvelous partnership that offers us the opportunity to pause and notice the abundance received from our dreaming in the Winter, planting in the Spring, and tending and taking action in the Summer with what is necessary to bring those dreams to fruition. Of course, Summer offers a time to play and have adventures to balance those efforts by allowing us to bring out our inner child. Fall brings the beauty of the harvest, colorful leaves that blanket Earth Mother and offer their richness to nourish her over the Winter. It is the West direction that beckons us to slow down and look inward. As we gather around a fire snuggly wrapped in sweatshirts and blankets, it is, indeed, a time to end the busyness of the year and appreciate the completion of a cycle. Happenings: Check out the Using the Mandala as a Compass to find your True North retreat listed on the Community Events page. If you are ready to explore a deeper understanding of your life, this retreat will offer you a simple, every day, every year opportunity to Walk a Sacred Path aware of your basic needs and values. Or as the Buddhist would say, wake up and become aware; allow the Buddha within to guide your life. Whatever form of spiritual beliefs you practice, become aware of it, honor it, pay attention and watch it become your guiding North Star.
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Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025