What an absolute delight to see Grandfather Sun's face visible in the sky! It seems to me those of us in Indiana have had an abundance of gray days this Winter. The gray days can offer us an opportunity to notice and really feel the gray areas of our hearts and lives, if we take the time. I used to think gray was so "blah" and being a person who absolutely loves color, consecutive gray days meant . . . well, "blahness!" (If there is such a word!) Black and white offer a contrast; and gray, well it's just so neutral. It took a really gray winter this year to help me understand and appreciate the gift this color can add to our lives, IF, we are open to taking a closer look at the emotions and feelings this neutral color offers.
The Sun shine of my heart literally shed light on all the emotions I felt this winter. And, with the brightness of the Sun, I see more clearly that through the "neutral" days this Winter, many hidden hurts and really old wounds were brought through the light of my heart. That is to say, all my "pick me up" tools came out of the tool box, were cleaned, oiled, sharpened, polished and used during this long gray, neutral Winter. What a gift sadness can be if we choose to use it to uncover its presence and give it the quality and quantity of time to remember what happened that placed it in our hearts. Most importantly, during those carefully examined sad times, hold respect for the strength it took to summons the courage to bring light to what we learned from that old wound. All too often we squirrel away such painful memories only to have them linger in our subconscious mind, waiting to be of used. Unfortunately, we often ignore such memories, even though the rear their head from time to time to remind us they are still there. From this hidden place, they serve to remind us to, "Trust no one," "Be cautious and suspicious of everyone," and this list goes on. Whatever words and phrases that are uniquely ours that we use to keep our hearts safe from further being hurt, identify them; why they are there and what they serve in your life. Unfortunately, these words and phrases keep us from the very thing we all want and need to fully experience life . . . to live with Love, self-worth, pursuing dreams and an unyielding appreciation for the beauty all types of relationships have to offer. There is much we can learn from the squirrel family. They instinctively gather and stock pile morsels of leftovers left on the grounds and safely store them away in hidden places until such time they need the nourishment. They bring forth these treasures of goodies to share with their families, and those in need, to assist them through the often unpredictable Winters. As Grandfather Sun promises his face will be in full view very soon, now might be a good time to accept the next gray day as an opportunity to look more closely at what "neutral" experience may be "squirreled" away in your heart. Perhaps the wisdom of the squirrel will remind you that someone close by may be willing to share what they have gathered during such times as you are experiencing. Just remember, other people's experiences may be different from yours, so if their words don't seem to fit what your heart needs, simply thank them for sharing their heart's experience with you and appreciate the courage it took for them to share such a personal heart felt experience. Be like the squirrel and store their words of support into your tool box. It just might be their morsel of wisdom will prove to be the precise tool you need when another situation comes up in your life. "Let the Sun shine in" from the words that were shared with you, that you might bring them forth on the next gray, neutral, day that you courageous step toward a squirreled away experience!
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Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025