Sunday, February 2, 2025 Punxsutawney Phil will let us know when spring will be upon us. According to the Punxsutawney Club, overall his accuracy rate is 39% correct, and that's going back to his first recorded prediction in 1887. If he sees his shadow there's six more weeks of winter, if he doesn't, it simply means spring is on the way. Here's another fun fact. The Punxsutawney Club says Phil is 138 years old. According to the club, Phil has never had children until just recently when Phil and Phyllis gave birth to two healthy baby groundhogs. The article did not mention the age of Phyllis, I can only surmise she is a "younger woman!" Good for Phil! They claim his longevity has come from "drinking the 'elixir' of life.'" Hmm, I suppose Phyllis is part of that "elixir?" I googled and found out Ramjit Raghav is considered the world's oldest father, having fathered children at the ages of 94 and 96 . . . another hmm, perhaps he drank from the same ''elixir' of life as Phil?
February is known as the month of Love, primarily due to Valentine's day; however, if we take a closer look at astronomy, the science behind the seasons, it seems natural the long nights of winter that began late December with the Winter Solstice, would bring a deeper sense of love as it nears its conclusion with the onset of the Spring Equinox March 20th. In actuality, December and February are the two months, according to mental health statistics, that depression is most prevalent. It makes sense since both months celebrate a closeness to those we love more than any other months of the year. Of course, the long dark nights and overall gray days also contribute to a sense of low energy. That is, unless one is using those winter months to dream new ventures, ideas, and plans to put in action with spring. So, what and how can February 2 influence our lives? Well, it seems fitting that if Phil does see his shadow it can provide a sense of hope; a stirring of anticipation that warmth, growth, movement is right around the corner. Each person determines their special "elixir." Much like the popular saying, "Life is a journey, not a destination," love is very much the same. Throughout our life we will experience one form or another of what we feel is love. Be it a pet, child, partner, job, a piece of art, favorite vacation place, a memory, or another passion, there are a variety of ways to warm one's heart. The bottom line is, each person determines what feels like love. With all those selections from which to choose, the one true source of permanent love is YOU. For some reason, it is often the last place we look. We search outside ourselves when all we need is within. Sounds simple, yet is one the most difficult and often scary places to look. With all that said, on February 2, are you ready to step out of winter's cave and determine what you need to make ready for planting your dreams with spring, or do you need six more weeks to dream a bit more? There is no "right or wrong" choice, there's simply what you choose. Your walk will astronomically begin with the Spring Solstice March 20, when Earth Mother offers the richness of her soil as a place to plant your dreams. We know Phil will peek his head, to determine if the "elixir of life" is to be partaken at that moment, or if he needs six more weeks of dreaming; what will you do? Finally, on February 14 will you purchase a small gift, box of chocolates, or have a quiet dinner at home? If you choose the later, make sure to set two plates, one for you, and one for a special friend. . .Yourself! One dish can be for the main meal, the other for a special dessert. It is all in what and how you choose to drink from what you determine to be the "elixir of life." Happenings: The Full Moon is February 12, it's considered the "Snow" moon. What a great time of surrender any old habits, old wounds, perhaps a difficult relationship. Utilized the Divine feminine within to assist you with balancing any emotional concerns that needs attended. And, those may be very good one that simply need acknowledged. The Deepening into Wisdom circle will be held on Thursday, February 20 from 6:30-8 p.m. We will be sharing stories that have enriched our lives and taught us the most. Bring an open heart, blanket for your lap and a story from your heart. A gifting bowl is present for those wishing to show gratitude for the sacred place Dancing Flame Medicine Lodge provides. You just may find this monthly gathering may be a necessary ingredient in your "elixir of Life!" Check our events page for more information and forthcoming retreats. "Being human is not easy; however, it is fascinating!" The old woman, from the chapter: "Weaver of Webs," Book two, Head to Heart Talks: Walking a Sacred Path From my heart to yours, Vicky
Oh what a beautiful beginning to a New Year! As we are snuggled into the safety and comforts of our Caves, what a warm experience to look outside and see the abundant covering of the gifts from above. Of course, this is from my perspective; however, I am certain many others share similar feelings. The past few winters snow has detoured Indiana and only offered a scant offering of the white, fluffy beauty. There is an old teaching that snow carries the prayers from those on earth; perhaps more people are waking up to Earth Mother's changes. Or, perhaps humans have returned to a place of asking for assistance from a greater source. Whatever the reason, it is lovely to know we humans are realizing we do not have all the answers or solutions, and that something outside ourselves just may offer assistance.
Looking out from the warmth of our caves (homes), what a winter wonderland presents the unblemished truth, that clarity, simplicity and strength lies right in front of us. Despite any and all of the current situation in our lives, our communities, our country and our world, there is always the gifts from Nature to cleanse, purify and guide that stands with us. Those that walked before us knew the importance of being in right relations with "All our Relations." It may be time to consider those words; the truth in front of each of us is whether to accept or ignore those teachings. From my humble perspective, the snow offers a reminder that, the Warmth of Snow, and the presence of our winter's cave, provides an opportunity to reprioritize what is important and know for certain, what we can dream will come to fruition. It may not come this year; however, trust if we do our part, it will manifest. How about looking through the window of your cave and noticing the abundance of snow through the eyes of a child. Maybe it time to remember the youthful times of wonder; pull the sled from the rafters in the garage, build a snowman (or woman) and simply be in the moment. Just as important, look through the lens of the old teaching above and see the abundance of dreams and prayers of so many. Remember, what you do for yourself, you do for others. You just may find your neighbors doing the same. Taking that action may just bring a warmth to your heart! Check out our website, and if you have any questions, comments, or request, please use the contact link. We welcome your words and insights, or any gifts or teachings you would like to offer. We offer the Deepening into Wisdom circle as a place to share those gifts. Our first wisdom circle is Thursday, January 16, 6:30-8p. Everyone is welcome to check us out. There a gifting bowl for those wanting to show gratitude for the spirit that guides our gatherings. Read more on the Events link. Until later, here's to the Warmth of Snow and your Heart! Vicky "Looks like diamonds! Like millions and millions of Sparkling jewels!" The old woman, "Unblemished Snow," Book One: Head to Heart Talks: Rediscovering your authentic self." |
Vicky Kelm WilliamsI find people absolutely fascinating! Archives
January 2025